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Showing posts from August, 2024

What brings a tear of joy to your eye?

What brings a tear of joy to your eye?  Whenever I achieved a personal goal in my life, frankly I would cry because I have completed something meaningful in my life.  I have to thank God for accepted me in the Lambs Book of Life because I have been baptized as of Sunday February 15th, 2015 at 10:30am at Fort McKinley United Methodist Church located in Dayton, Ohio.  God has called me for reasons that only He knows about.  Perhaps, I am learning how to tell the truth and be real honest in my life.   Further, I really want to say is that it has taken me a very long time to become very transparent with God, Jesus Christ, and with everyone who exists on Planet Earth.  What really brings tears in my eyes is when I am one with nature.   I will admit that it has taken me a few years to graduate from high school in my hometown of Dayton Ohio.   I also will admit that I have been goofing around in my life.   This is because I was a...

1st Samuel 16:7 Commentary

What Does 1 st  Samuel 16:7 Really Mean in Contemporary Times?  By Anthony Joseph Hopkins August 31, 2024            What does 1 st  Samuel 16:7 really mean in a contemporary society?  I want to say that God knows exactly who we all are because He created us.  I guess this Bible tells me that God is the only one who can judge mankind.  I say that because He made everything in His own image.  I know that When Samuel for looking for the next King of Israel, He was looking for someone who was compatible to God.  He was looking for someone who was God Fearing, and who was after God’s own heart.        Next, God was looking at everyone to determine whether or not they would be suitable as King of Israel.  Honestly, God still does it because He wants to make sure that we are feasible for His Kingdom.  I know when I am writing this blog, I am being scrutinized by God Himself becau...

What is the difference between Grace vs Mercy?

What is the Difference between Grace Vs Mercy?           This is a comparison and contrast essay that is based on the definition of two words.  The first word is grace and the second is mercy.  The definition of the word grace is good will or favor.  When it comes to grace, the Lord always shows us good will and favor when it comes to all of us.  Whereas, the definition of the word mercy is refraining from harming others.  It also means showing kind or compassionate treatment.  It also means the power to forgive.         When it comes to the Lord God; He always shows everyone compassion and understanding towards us.  I remember when I was a high school student, I became truant and missed over half of the 1981-82 school year.        The reason why I became truant was because I was involved in street gangs and I also smoked marijuana.  During tha...

How Are You Feeling Right Now?

How are you feeling right now? I am still exhausted and tired right now.   I was hospitalized on Sunday morning because of an injury to my kidneys.   I will admit that I was drinking a lot of coffee during the past few months.   I also will admit to eating too many processed foods.   I know that my Creatinine levels were very high this month alone.   I realized that Creatinine pertains to body waste.  I really didn't know about it when I was discharged from the hospital on Monday evening of this week.   I also have low Testosterone Levels and it really makes me very tired all of the time.  I know that my coffee drinking days are over.  I am very grateful to be alive each day.   I noticed that my clothes and body smelled like saliva and urine that came from my apartment vents system.   To be honest with all of you, I have been going through this problem since last year on April of 2023.  I...

Perfect Score in USA Geography

 Perfect Score!!! Congratulations, it seems as though you are an American genius! Very few Americans get a perfect score on this test, so your knowledge of American geography is really something that you ought to be proud of! You are clearly a life-long learner, which is something that's far less common than you might like to believe. Don't forget to share this quiz with your friends and family, just to see if they're as clever as you are! You got 18 out of 19 right - 95% (Show Mistakes) 

What was you looking for and why?

I was looking for additional information regarding Brain Fog and Creatinine as well as the scores on ESPN.  I usually look for things that concerns me.  I always look for my personal information about my personal health and wellness.  I was recently diagnosed with a kidney injury.   This is because my Creatinine levels were very high and it affected my kidneys.  Currently, I am at home resting.  I cannot drink coffee anymore.   I have to drink bottled water only.  My Creatinine levels were over 500.  I have to start taking care of myself a whole lot better right now.   Even though I do have a lot of health problems, I am here on Planet Earth for a reason.  God Loves Me!  It is God who saved me.   It is God who has His hands on me.   If I didn't go directly to Church, I would have died.  God is merciful and gracious 🙏 🙌.   God’s Grace liberates me in all ways.   The t...

What is your favorite time of day?

What is your favorite time of day?  My favorite time of day is after midnight.   The reason why I am saying this is because I am at peace with myself.   I will admit that I stay up all night writing inside of my journal.   It appears to me that I am very happy writing either early in the morning or late during the evening.   I really love the late night shift because I tend to sleep for most of the day.   I know that I was born at 7:30PM on Thursday June 24, 1965.  I will admit that I stayed up all night according to my mother.   I really love to meditate all night long.  Even though I have periods of time by myself.   I definitely feel refreshed after drinking a cup of coffee.  Another thing that I will admit that I read the Bible or write in my journal.   However, my favorite time of day tends to vary throughout the year.   During the winter, I like to hibernate just like mamm...

Tell us about the last time you got excited about.

Tell us about the last thing you got excited about.  When President Obama became officially President of the United States of America.   When Kamala Harris became Vice President of the United States.   I became excited when I graduated from College at the University of Toledo on Saturday June 17, 1995.  I also got excited when I got baptized at Fort McKinley United Methodist Church on Sunday February 15, 2015 : This is the day when I became a Born Again Christian Man.Tell us about the last thing you got excited about. When President Obama became officially President of the United States of America. When Kamala Harris became Vice President of the United States. I became excited when I graduated from College at the University of Toledo on Saturday June 17, 1995. I also got excited when I got baptized at Fort McKinley United Methodist Church on Sunday February 15, 2015 : This is the day when I became a Born Again Christian Man.  


What Motivates Me?  My intuition and intelligence is what Motivates me to become a successful in life.  Before I continue, I would like to give credit to God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son for being My Personal Savior.  I am a Born Again Christian Man who Fears God and Jesus Christ His Son.   As far as my intuition is concerned, I rely on my thinking skills and Spiritual Discernment to get me by in life.   As far as my intelligence is concerned, I have been writing since 1985.  My intelligence is Above Average right now.  I have been taking Quizzes each day to improve my memory and IQ.  God has brought me a very long way in my personal life.   I graduated from high school at the age of 20 years old.   I graduated from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Dayton Ohio.   I graduated from College at the University of Toledo in Toledo OH in 1993 and 1995 respectively.   I majored in Social Services...


What Motivates Me?  My intuition and intelligence is what Motivates me to become a successful in life.  Before I continue, I would like to give credit to God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son for being My Personal Savior.  I am a Born Again Christian Man who Fears God and Jesus Christ His Son.   As far as my intuition is concerned, I rely on my thinking skills and Spiritual Discernment to get me by in life.   As far as my intelligence is concerned, I have been writing since 1985.  My intelligence is Above Average right now.  I have been taking Quizzes each day to improve my memory and IQ.  God has brought me a very long way in my personal life.   I graduated from high school at the age of 20 years old.   I graduated from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Dayton Ohio.   I graduated from College at the University of Toledo in Toledo OH in 1993 and 1995 respectively.   I majored in Social Services...


What do you enjoy most about writing?   First, I have to give the credit to the Lord God who has made it possible for me to communicate with other people.   Lord Jesus, I really thank you for keeping it real with me in my life right now.  It is all You instead of me.  The people can call whatever they want.  I know God's Word whenever I hear it each day of the week.   Second, God has put His Words inside of my mouth.  Jeremiah 1:9 says: Then the Lord God has put His Hands and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.  Do you know what I enjoy about writing?  It gives me an opportunity to express God's Word.   I am telling the truth.   God has put His Words inside of my mouth.   He Will do the same exact thing for all of you.   Writing is exercise each day for me.   Writing is a privilege.  Writing should become an exercise that we...

Math IQ Results

IQ: 181 (WOW!!) Look at you!! You aced it!! Your IQ range is 170 – 185!!! Only 0.1% of the population scores this high. You reason analytically and communicate mathematical concepts in creative and intuitive ways. You have a passion for perfection. You like to challenge yourself, and you excel in finding solutions to problems. Keep up the good work, and share your score with the world!


 You are the Hero The hero is found in virtually every myth and story across the globe. Like the hero, you’re the one who is destined to save the day. You are impelled to prove your worth through a series of courageous acts. Strong willed and adventurous, you are more than willing to suffer for the common good. Your greatest feat is weakness and being vulnerable. You should watch being too boastful. Let your actions speak for themselves. Does this sound like you? 

5th Grade Algebra Results

Passed!! Congratulations!! You passed!! Research shows that only 2% of American adults can pass 5th grade Algebra. People who score this high are perceptive and intuitive, and have a unique awareness for mathematical information in the world around them. You can justify mathematical concepts in symbolic ways, and quickly evaluate various possible results. You use mathematics with self-assurance and transfer learning to real life situations. Keep it up, and SHARE this 5th grade algebra quiz with everyone you know.

Your Mental Age

Your mental age is 28 Your mental age is 28, and your mental personality type is The Inspirer. You never stop learning, you are not afraid to act on things that matter, and you feel the concerns of others. Your intelligence and intuitiveness are the most prominent features of your character, and despite your random impulsiveness, you use them wisely. You are outgoing and optimistic, yet profound. You are The Inspirer.

What Does It Mean to Be Transparent?

What Does The Bible Say About Being Transparent?           Good Day Everyone!! How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  What does the Bible say about being transparent? Let’s look up the definition of the word transparent.  The  definition of the word transparent means allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen. "Transparent blue water" synonyms: see-through, clear, translucent, pellucid, crystal clear, crystalline, limpid, glassy, glasslike, liquid; More           Easy to perceive or detect. "The residents will see through any transparent attempt to buy their votes" synonyms: obvious, explicit, unambiguous, unequivocal, clear, lucid, straightforward, plain, (as) plain as the nose on your face, apparent, unmistakable, manifest, conspicuous, patent,...

What Positive Emotion Do you Feel most Often?

What positive emotion do you feel most often ?  I feel enthusiastic about the entire day.   God has opened up my ears and has sealed my instructions that He has for me.   I am very grateful for staying clean and sober for 34 years now 🙏 🙌.   I am helping other people who are still suffering from addiction.   The AA Fellowship has helped me to become clean and sober.   I read the Holy Bible on a regular basis.   I have a great deal of emotions that are based upon my success in my personal life.   I rarely get angry because it is not worth it.   I do not use vulgarity anymore because it hurts my Holy Spirit that is inside of me.   What emotions do I feel most ogeften is happiness because I am helping other people.  I am very grateful to receive God's Breath of Life each day of the week, and the Holy Spirit that is inside of our bodies.   I have more Love than hate in my life rig...

Lamentations 3:39 Commentary

Lamentations 3:39: And What It Means to All People!! By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins August 18, 2020           39. Why Should a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?  Allow me to expand on this Bible verse.  Lamentations 3:39 has a whole lot to do with the sins that we commit against God.  When it comes to a man, woman, and child that sins, why shall we complain when we sin against God?  Why should a living man complain about the punishment of his sins.  Frankly, a man should repent of his sins rather than complain about it.  I mean his sins.         Micah 7:9 says I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against Him, until He pleads my case and executes justice for me.  He will bring me forth to the light; I will see His righteousness.  The reason why I wrote this Bible verse is simply because it coincides with Lamentations 3:39. These...


How do you plan your goals 🤔 ?  The very first thing that I do is pray to Jesus Christ and God the Father for an extended period of time.  First Thessalonians 5;17 says: Pray without ceasing.  I usually brainstorm in advance, and I write things down that pertain to goal setting.   Second, I would like to have a dictionary with me.  I truly appreciate Jesus Christ for taking care of me.   Goal setting is based on time ⏲️ 🙌 👌.   At certain times of the day, I would like to complete my tasks on a daily basis.   Third, I would compare the things that I have completed and the things that I need to work on by a specific period of time. I would like to complete a specific task by the end of the month.  I will admit that goal setting is serious.   It is based on time management skills.   I have to stick to the plan at hand.  Lord Jesus, please teach me how to complete all of my goals in a professional m...

World War 1 Quiz Results

 Not Bad! You’ve got a decent grasp on the key elements of World War I, but there’s always more to explore. You clearly know your trenches from your treaties, but a few of those questions still managed to slip through the cracks. This war was a labyrinth of alliances, battles, and shifting frontlines, so it’s no surprise if a few details were tough to pin down. Keep digging into the history, and you’ll be an expert in no time! You got 7 out of 12 right - 59% (Show Mistakes) Share your result with friends 

Proverbs 23:26

Proverbs 23:26 says: My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.  This means that God is willing to accept your heart that is if you are willing to accept His Commandments and allow your eyes to observe all of God's Ways.  I Anthony Joseph Hopkins is willing to accept God's Will and Favor inside of my heart right now.  I accept Your Precepts in my life.  I am ready to serve You and listen to Your Son Jesus Christ and I will be there for everyone else who has a real need for me. Next, I am willing to walk in Your Ways and Paths in my personal life right now.  I am willing to read Your Word out loud so that the whole world will know that You are in charge of my life.  I will never be ashamed to express Your Words to everyone.  Lord Jesus, please help me to let everyone know that You are My God and Friend.  You are my Savior.  You are everything to me. Further, I have to make amends with my family members and friends...

Job 15:12

Job 15:12 says: Why does your heart carry you away?  What do your eyes wink at,  This means that your stress is getting the best of you.  The reason why stress is getting the best of me is because I have allowed it to happen to me.  I know that I am only a human being.  I am a Work in Progress!  What do my eyes wink at?  I really do not know that I was winking at anyone.  Remember that only a deceptive person tend to wink a lot.  I will admit that I have allowed stress to get the best of me.  I have been under pressure as of late.  I have been dealing with Organized Criminals Worldwide during the past 14 years now.  These people are responsible for messing up my Cellphones and all of my personal email accounts. Next, I have given these computer hackers and scammers a total of $18,000 dollars in Western Union Funds.  These people who scammed me out of money did not know me personally.  Lord God, I Thank You for keeping...

What Brings you peace?

What brings you peace?  Do you know what brings me peace? Is knowing that God is watching me all of the time.   It is knowing that God is a Loving God.   I know that I am not perfect, God is doing for me more than I am doing for myself.   First and Foremost, I give Him the praise every single day of the week.  I remember when I used to live in Charlotte NC, I used to attend Church without eating breakfast.   God had made it possible for me to eat breakfast at church ⛪️ 🙌 🙏.  Although I used to go directly to work without eating breakfast during the week.   I was working three jobs.   I used to work at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte for 8 years.   I also worked at Bank of America Stadium for 2 years.   I also worked 3rd shift at Circle K stores for 8 years.   I also suffer from Schizoid Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia as well as Glaucoma and Cataracts that was af...

What profession do you like and why?

What profession do I admire most and why?  I prefer the Library Information Sciences and Social Work Profession.   I have spent 13 years working in libraries at the University of Toledo William Carlson Library and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Atkins Library.  I only spent 6 years working in the field of Social WORK.   I WORKED AT THE JERUSALEM OUTREACH CENTER FOR ONLY 3 YEARS. 


If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?  I would give away free Bibles and sell my books for half price.  I would open up a tutoring and academic services for children and adults.  I would apply for a Grant so that I will be able to assist anyone who has a need.  I will help everyone with their academic courses.   I have to learn how to accept constructive criticism and make direct observations and amends.  I also will feed anyone food for lunch and dinner every single day of the week.   If I had a real shop, I would help every child and adults with their homework.   I am a person who is very intelligent and Gifted myself.   I feel excited to be a Child of the Most High God 🙏.   I am a 59 year old man who Fears God and Jesus Christ His Son 👋 🙏 🙌.   I have a conscious 🙏.   I have the ability to quickly process information and use discretion to make a point of view that wo...

Truth and Respect

Truth and Respect Truth and respect are intertwined. This is because truth develops sincerity. By telling the truth all of the time, it makes you feel genuine as a person. Respect is something that is earned just like the US Dollar Bill!!! Sincerity comes from truth and when truth is expressed out of one's mouth, it makes you more responsible and credible as a person. Your statements are concrete and with validation. Respect comes when the truth is fully verified by others. Eventually others will believe what you are saying because you have all of the facts to all of your claims. What I mean by this is that you are able to verify all of what you are saying with concrete evidence. With the evidence that you have it makes things stand out. Respect is always earned from the things that you do that are always positive. For instance, if you are an outstanding law abiding USA Citizen, then you are doing what is right in the eyes of others. By doing so, you are staying out of trouble and ...


  The Knowledge of Self             I would like to start this essay off by asking a question.  What does it mean to have a knowledge of self?  The answer is the definition of the word self consists of the physical, mental, emotional, and environmental and a psychological entity that has a whole lot to do with God.  In Jeremiah 1:5 says before I formed you inside of the womb, I knew you.  I have sanctified you and ordained you as a prophet to the nations.  When it comes to our physical self, this has a whole lot to do with our body.  What the human body looks like and how we feel about ourselves personally.  When it comes to our mental self, this has an impact on universal feelings.  What we actually feel like among members of the rest of society is derived from the center of the brain called the conscious mind.            Romans 12:2 says do n...

Test Results Scores

Mixed Knowledge

A++ You are a wonder kid!! You are the wonder kid of your class!! You are at the top of your class without even trying! You were lucky enough to be blessed with natural book smarts and most of the time you only need to read something once for it to stick with you!

Spelling Test Results

Aced it!! You correctly spelled the 32 most confusing words. 94% of Americans can't get more than 15/32 correctly. Share the quiz with your friends to see how well they do.

3% Test Results

You're in the 3% Wow, you are really smart. You're in the 3%! This means you passed this test with flying colors. You retain information very well - and that is a huge asset to have in life! Most adults don't remember much of their early education, so be proud of yourself for being in the 3%. Your education paid off!

General Knowledge

17  / 20 YOUR IQ IS 149! Genius!! Your IQ is 149 and your general knowledge is exceptional. You must be curious, well-read, and a life-long learner, but can you get a PERFECT score in a basic geography test? Try the next quiz to find out. It’s worth it:) >> GEOGRAPHY TIME >>


Good job - could you be a historian? It’s hard for us to believe that ordinary people were able to achieve such a score on this quiz, and if this is indeed your first attempt, we can only take our hats off to you. You definitely carry a lot of historical knowledge, and now you're welcome to share your score with your friends and challenge them to try and get through this t4est themselves! You got 11 out of 15 right - 74% (Show Mistakes) 

Art & Memory

 Exceptional Photographic Memory You possess a rare and remarkable ability to recall visual details with precision, almost as if you have a mental snapshot of what you've seen. Your mind retains intricate patterns, colors, and spatial arrangements, making it easy for you to recall scenes, faces, and images long after encountering them. This skill gives you an edge in environments where visual memory is key, such as in art, design, or when navigating new places. Share your results with friends to learn more about them! 

What are some habits that brings me joy.

Describe One Habit that brings you joy.  Whenever I am helping another person, it brings me joy.   Another thing that brings me joy is when I am using a computer or a typewriter, it brings me joy.  Also, what brings me joy is when I am online because I am doing God’s Work by sharing the Gospel of Peace with everyone worldwide.   If I am reading the Bible each day, it helps me to hear God’s Voice.

What are you curious about?

What are you curious about?  First, if you have God in your life: You are curious about one thing.  That is if you have been selected to join Him in Heaven.   However, I do have to prepare myself in advance.   This means that I will have to get my mind in the right frame of mind.  I have to start attending Church and read my Bible every single day of the week.  I will have to start praying, and to start being honest with God.   This also means that I have to stop using vulgarity completely.   I have to start participating in Church activities.   I will have to start praying for everyone worldwide on a daily basis.  I have to stay out of trouble.  I have to start becoming a God-Fearing Man.   I will have to become a role model and a mentor for children worldwide.   I might not have enough money.  I need to stop being selfish towards myself and other people.  I need a reality chec...

Forms of Thinking

Idealistic Thinking vs. Pragmatic Thinking This is a special essay that has a great deal to do with our way of thinking. For instance, does society itself have an influence on our way of thinking? A comparison and contrast between idealistic thinking will be emphasized. First, what does the word idealistic mean? An idea is a plan or action. It is also something that exists inside of the mind; which forms into thoughts or concepts.    However, idealism is a philosophical approach or system that when we look at ideas or ideologies, we have to examine our own personality as well as our own parents. When it pertains to politics, we have to explore our ideas and how they shape or influence our decision that pertains to family, culture, education, environment, health, and personal freedom. Second, what does the word pragmatic mean? The word pragmatic means dealing with actual facts or occurrences. Of or related to the study of causes and effects. Could a person become dogmatic, obtu...