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Truth and Respect

Truth and Respect

Truth and respect are intertwined. This is because truth develops sincerity. By telling the truth all of the time, it makes you feel genuine as a person. Respect is something that is earned just like the US Dollar Bill!!! Sincerity comes from truth and when truth is expressed out of one's mouth, it makes you more responsible and credible as a person. Your statements are concrete and with validation. Respect comes when the truth is fully verified by others. Eventually others will believe what you are saying because you have all of the facts to all of your claims. What I mean by this is that you are able to verify all of what you are saying with concrete evidence. With the evidence that you have it makes things stand out. Respect is always earned from the things that you do that are always positive. For instance, if you are an outstanding law abiding USA Citizen, then you are doing what is right in the eyes of others. By doing so, you are staying out of trouble and away from all negative influences.

What is the truth; others might ask this question. The truth is a validity that has been proven right and accurate. It is an opinion or a statement of fact that has accuracy. It is right when it is properly verified. There are critics and others might deny what you are saying, but as long as you have everything that you need, things will be all right. When you listen to your parents, they are telling you what is right according to their laws of their home. The laws of the land still apply here as well. Your parents are suppose to teach you what is right and the things that are supposed to keep you out of trouble. Learning social and moral values come from your parents and no one else.

What is the definition of respect? Respect is something that is earned and a person can earn respect for themselves by believing in what is right for you. Respect and truth can take you a very long way in life. Truth is when you see things that are always right. Truth is when things are run so smoothly that nothing will go wrong. When a person is in court, their hand is placed on the Holy Bible as a means of telling the truth. A person is not supposed to swear by all means. Always give a complete affirmation of the truth to the best of your ability. When one swears on the Holy Bible, they are contradicting God and Jesus Christ and Their Word.

Respect will carry you a very long way. Respect for God, Jesus Christ and oneself will carry you a very long way in life. People might not accept you for who you are as a person, but as long as there is a God and His Son Jesus Christ, never worry. You will always be loved by God and Jesus Christ. It is God and Jesus Christ who gives you the air that you breathe out of your mouth each day in order for you to live. It is God who created life and Jesus Christ who had died for our sins. The grace of God is what will carry us through all of our rough times. My truth consists of always making sure that I get things right. When I make a mistake, I know to look at what I am doing wrong and make corrections very quickly. If another person sees me doing something wrong, they are supposed to tell me about it to my face. I will never get offended if someone tells me what I am doing wrong.

I used to be a person who always argued when I was confronted with the truth. It had taken me a very long time to learn how to accept constructive criticism. As a man, I am supposed to learn how to listen to women as well as others. Men are sometimes quick to jump to the defense when they are confronted with their issues. When I am confronted with my issues by others, I accept it. I do not argue whatsoever with anyone. As far as the things in my own past, I have forgiven all of the individuals who had hurt me in the past. It is others who refuse to learn how to forgive and move on.

These are what we call "Player Haters!!!!" These are people who really did not like you in the past and still do not like you today. These are people who are jealous of the things that you have for yourself. They are also people who really do not want to see you with anything. These are still men and women who are still discontent with you and others over the things that you have and they wish they could have for themselves. This is the truth because in my relationships with the women in my past, my so called male and female friends interfered in my relationships. There were times that the women in my past did not want a relationship in the first place with me. These were women who wanted to have a side relationship with another person. When you have a side relationship, it damages the relationship that you are currently involved in at the present time.

Women are guilty of having excessive male contacts. They are guilty of having so many male friends that it interferes with the relationship that they have with their current boyfriend or husband. 


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