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Forms of Thinking

Idealistic Thinking vs. Pragmatic Thinking

This is a special essay that has a great deal to do with our way of thinking. For instance, does society itself have an influence on our way of thinking? A comparison and contrast between idealistic thinking will be emphasized. First, what does the word idealistic mean? An idea is a plan or action. It is also something that exists inside of the mind; which forms into thoughts or concepts.


 However, idealism is a philosophical approach or system that when we look at ideas or ideologies, we have to examine our own personality as well as our own parents. When it pertains to politics, we have to explore our ideas and how they shape or influence our decision that pertains to family, culture, education, environment, health, and personal freedom.

Second, what does the word pragmatic mean? The word pragmatic means dealing with actual facts or occurrences. Of or related to the study of causes and effects. Could a person become dogmatic, obtuse, dictatorial, or meddlesome? The answer to this question is yes!!!!! Politicians who are in control for so many years tend to exercise their authority too much. I would like to say that there are members of Congress who tend to override their own authority!!!!!


 Why is this the case? The answer is power!!! There is too much power among the richest members of the world's population. Pragmatism has a whole lot to do with the exercising of authority. This authority overrides anyone else's decisions and in some cases; causes others to feel unwanted or unsure of themselves.

 This form of authority decreases the value of others by decreasing their self-worth.

Third, let's look at this from a different perspective. Pragmatism is factual; however, there are differences in opinions when it pertains to other members of a specified population. When one feels like this, you are inside of a world all by yourself. Abstract thinking has a lot to do with the behaviors that we tend to possess as humans. It makes a big difference between actions vs. reaction.


This is also a difference between thinking outside of the box and an opinion that disrupts the moral conscious of others. Pragmatic to me is more of a macro perspective. A macro perspective is an expansion of a substance or an idea that develops into a large scale matter.

This also pertains to economics.

A macro perspective has a lot to do with people, policy, politics, and the expansion of opinions. Most people who exercise this approach tend to back themselves up with their actions. A very important question one might want to ask themselves is does my opinion really matter? Pragmatic thinkers are people who have a direct influence. These people are born leaders, but they also can become conceited or vain in their approach at times.


There are members of the Conservative and Republican Party who tend to exercise this approach when they are trying to make an impact on a specific group or members of a population. This also can affect anyone no matter who you are as a person.

We also have to explore other personal characteristics of pragmatic thinkers. There are times when certain people do not really understand others from their own personal perspective. It is like our society itself has become one that is apathetic in nature.


It is the person themselves that is responsible for making their own decisions for themselves and not others. Now, remind you that there are others who tend to portray themselves as one who possesses a great deal of influence when they do not.


Fourth, pragmatic thinkers I will admit have a preverbal chip on their shoulders. Pragmatic thinkers at times remind me of someone who tends to directly influence your behavior without being inside of your own presence. This is one who makes you really think with their use of propaganda. 

This reminds you of how influential Adolph Hitler was on the people in his country during World War 2. Let's look at this from a different perspective, in the United States; this is a country that is a democracy. However, it really makes you feel as if we are living inside of a socialist society. Are we really a democracy or a country filled with socialist ideas?

Finally, what is the definition of the word ideology? Ideology means a body of ideas that influence a person, group, ideas, or political party. Pragmatics on the other hand has a lot to do with mixed emotions that pertain to mixed beliefs. Some or all mixed beliefs tend to have a negative influence on others.




 Idealistic thinkers are one who has many ideas, but when placing them into practice, who will believe you? The answer to this question is to work very hard in your efforts to change society by stating your opinions and making certain that it has a level of political correctness. Political correctness is expressing one's own ideas by protecting yourselves from damaging the reputation of others.


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