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Showing posts from June, 2018

What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God?

What does it mean to have a Relationship with God? Good Day Everyone!! I would like to start this essay off by asking a very important question. What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God? The answer is very simple. I would like to say that my relationship with God has improved this year. I would like to say that I do not use any vulgarity anymore and look at pornography. I know that my relationship has improved. I am very happy that my family members are doing very well. I am very happy that my family members are very successful in the community. Moreover, I would like to say that I read the Bible every single day of the week. I pray every single day and thank God for waking me up in the morning and thank Him for being with me today. This is the very first time in over 28 years that I am using Microsoft Publisher. This is very different. In Matthew 11:28 says Come to me all who are burden and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. It is like a child trying to get ...

What Does it Mean to have a Speck or a Plank Inside of Your Eyes?

What does it mean to have a log or a speck inside of your eyes?           This is an essay that has a whole lot of importance in our daily lives.   The question is what does it mean to have a log or a speck inside of your eyes? First, I would like to say that having a log or speck inside of your eyes, means we have sins in our lives.   For instance, in my case, I used to look at pornography each day for the past 43 years.   I also used to use vulgarity since I was 5 years old.   The reason why I have done these things because I was angry and my parents used vulgarity toward each other.           Further, my mother and stepfather used to cuss each other out all of the time. I guess for the past 21 years of their marriage, my mother and stepfather has problems communicating with each other. As far as pornography is concerned, I started looking at it when I was a child...

Building Our Life on Values

  Building Your Life on Values!!         This is an essay on building your life on values.   First of all, what are values?   Values are a system of beliefs that we tend to keep with us from birth to death.   For example, accepting responsibility; this means that we take ownership of our behavior.   Another example is that we are accountable to God for how I lived my life.   Who are you living your life for right now?   We are living for God and ourselves.   Romans 8:10 says since Christ lives within you even though your body will die because of sin, your spirit is alive because you have been made right with God.         Further, we are interdependent on each other.   I live my life the way I want to, this is not true.   God is watching you.   Every decision you make affects someone else.   An example of this is the family.   If t...
Photo What did You do for God and Yourself? This essay will consists of questions and answers concerning what have you have done for God and Yourself. First of all, I would like to ask a very good question. What have you done for God and yourself lately? I am asking this question because I would like to gain some ideas and solutions on what others are doing in their personal life for God. We must apply God’s values in our daily lives. God is building your life that matters to God. God knows exactly what we are doing all of the time throughout our lives. Man’s only hope is in Jesus Christ. We must evaluate our character on the outside as well as our personal testimony in order to make things right. In my case, I have been taking care of my family members and friends by paying for their phone bills and feeding them. I have to be more responsible for paying my tithes and offerings to my own church. I will also admit that I have to put into my budget the money for tithes to my church at...

Reconciliation and Forgiveness with God, Ourselves and with Others.

Reconciliation and Forgiveness with God, Ourselves and with Others!!           This is a very special essay concerning the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness with God, ourselves, and with others.   The first thing that I want to say is that God has never left us or forsaken us.   Perhaps, we might have forsaken ourselves at times in our personal lives.   I say this because I used to be a person who did not believe anything, unless I see it with my own eyes.   Secondly, God is not mad at you.   He is mad about you.   God wants us in His family.   He really wants us in heaven with Him.             Further, God forgives us because He loved us.   Forgiveness does not equal reconciliation.   Reconciliation takes two people.   For instance, our relationship with God is very important to us.   God’s love is supernatural. ...

The Word of God is as sweet as Honey

The Word of The Lord is as sweet as Honey!!             I would like to start this essay by asking a very important question.   Do you think that the Word of God taste as sweet as honey?   The answer is yes!!   According to Jeremiah 15:16 it says that when your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD  God Almighty.   When I think of this Bible verse, The Word of God is very refreshing.   I also gives me freedom and truth.   I really enjoy God’s word every day of my life.               Further, I want to tell everyone that God is Love.   God has changed me for the better.   I really do not like to use any vulgarity or engage in any behaviors of my past.   The Holy Spirit is inside of me.   I have been born again on 2/15/2015 at Fort McKinley Church in Dayton,...

Reflections on my most compassionate sister Patricia

                                Reflections         Today June 2, 2018 is the anniversary of my sister Patricia’s death.   My sister transitioned from this life into heaven last year at 1:15PM at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio.   I have been very sad and depressed all day yesterday.   It is that my sister Patricia and I were very close siblings.   I am happy that I was with her during her last 2 years of her life.   I know that we have had our moments when she used to beat me up with her fist.   This is simply because she was a woman, and she knew how to fight.         Further, I want to inform all of you that I really miss my sister a whole lot.   My family members will be celebrating her life on Faceboo...

What Does It Mean to Get Rewarded By God?

What does it mean to get rewarded by God?             I would like to start this essay by asking a very important question.   What does it mean to get rewarded by God? To answer this question a Bible verse comes to mind.   Even if you give a cup of water to one of my followers, you will be rewarded.   I will admit that I have been doing for others than myself.   I have done this for many years.   I also will admit that I have a mental illness, and there are times, when I might get irritated very easily.   Right now, I am a very humble man.   I might be in my 50s right now, but God is not finish with me yet.             Further, you have to decide where you want your rewards.   For example, do you want your rewards while you are on earth or in heaven?   Remember one thing that every word, thought, and feeling have implication...