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Reconciliation and Forgiveness with God, Ourselves and with Others.

Reconciliation and Forgiveness with God, Ourselves and with Others!!
          This is a very special essay concerning the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness with God, ourselves, and with others.  The first thing that I want to say is that God has never left us or forsaken us.  Perhaps, we might have forsaken ourselves at times in our personal lives.  I say this because I used to be a person who did not believe anything, unless I see it with my own eyes.  Secondly, God is not mad at you.  He is mad about you.  God wants us in His family.  He really wants us in heaven with Him. 
          Further, God forgives us because He loved us.  Forgiveness does not equal reconciliation.  Reconciliation takes two people.  For instance, our relationship with God is very important to us.  God’s love is supernatural.  Forgiveness opens the door to reconciliation.  God’s love will always persevere.  Our conversations with others with God requires change on our part.  He have to be totally honest and sincere with Him.  Reconciliation requires that we be on the same page with God, ourselves, and with others.
          Moreover, I want to inform all of you that I have rededicated my life to Jesus Christ as of June 3, 2018 at 7:30AM.  I want to inform all of you that I have been baptized several times in numerous of Churches.  It is that I was still harboring a lot of anger with myself and others.  God had always understood me Ofrom the time that I was inside of my mother’s womb. 
According to Jeremiah 1:5; God knew us while we were inside of our mother’s womb.  Even before we were formed, He knew us, before we were born, He sanctified us and ordained us as a prophet to the nations.
          In Addition, God even knows exactly how long we are going to live.  When it comes to Psalms 139:16, it states that our days are fashioned for us even before we are born.  However, love keeps no record of wrongs.  Therefore, we should meditate on God’s love.  There are times that we tend to hold onto our past and there are times that we do the same thing to others.  God sent His Son to die for our sins.  In order to have a conversation with God, we need to keep prayer simple.  We also need to read the Bible as well.  We are ambassadors for Christ.  Do not hold grudges against anyone.  We need to turn from our self-centered living so that God’s love would be possible.

          Jesus died for us so that we can be free.  The cross makes reconciliation possible.  God’s love is stronger.  God is the God of all power.  God communicates His heart with us.  We represent the heart of God.  Fear in love; perfect love cast out fear.  We need to allow God to fix us.  We need God’s grace.  Freedom is here.  God love for us is very pure.  To me personally, God was saying let me know when you are ready.  Reconciliation requires change.  We are afraid of asking too much.  For me personally, I have become a member of the Mormon Faith, 3 Baptist Churches, and currently the United Methodist Church.  I have dedicated my life to each church by getting baptized in water and receiving the Holy Spirit.
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Please, never stop at forgiveness.  I have officially reconcile with God yesterday and I am happy.  I still have a whole lot of work to do.  I have to share the Good News of the Gospel of Peace.  Jeremiah 23:23 says that am I a God near at hand says the Lord, and not a God afar off?  God is always with us.  He has been with me even during my active addiction.  I have learned a whole lot since the year 2015.  This is during the time that I was baptized by my current pastor at Fort McKinley Church in Dayton, Ohio.
  Romans 16:18 says live at peace with everyone.  Jesus body and blood was shed for us.  God’s love drives out fear.  Acknowledgement is the first step of healing.  God will never fail us.  Christ died for us so that we can move forward and reconcile with Christ.  God will always give ourselves to us.  Freedom and joy comes from God.  I know for me personally, I feel a whole lot better right now.  I must reconcile with my family members and those who refuse to talk to me.  I must first reconcile with God, myself, and others as well. 
The Bible is a conversation material for us.  God is saying engage with me.  I engage with God by reading His word, praying, and acknowledging all of my sins and ask God for repentance each day.  We all want to be heard and understood at all times.  Hurt people hurt people!!  I will admit that I used to take all of my problems out on others.  I was not a bully.  I was a person who was under attack by my enemies from the past.  I also had Satan as an enemy as well. When it comes to the devil, I will admit that I was a person who was hearing voices that were not benevolent.
 The voices that I have heard were demonic spirits attacking me.  There were times when I used to talk back to the voices.  Personal attacks destroy our character both externally and inwardly.  These messages cause a lot of blame.  People react to pain in different ways.  All we do is collect wounds, and it starts all over again.  It also has a lot to do with anxiety and worry.  God sees a future with us.  He forgives us.  God wants a heart to heart conversation with us.  The cross represents the hope for reconciliation.  God is more interested in changing our circumstances.  There are no exclusions to God’s love.  Whoever lives in love, God is with them.
 We are made free in Jesus Christ.  We are ambassadors for Christ.  God reveals His character through us.  We are God’s creation.  This is the Good News.  His blood was poured out for our forgiveness.  God has forgiven me.  I feel much better right now, and I am sharing this message today because God loves you, and so do I.  This is a love that has no walls.  God’s love goes beyond our human expectations.

May the God of all peace be with you all!!  God Bless You!!  Thank You for reading my essay.
My name is Anthony Joseph Hopkins and I am a Blogger.  I want to inform everyone that I have been writing for the past 8 years now.  I have a total of almost 400 professionally written blogs on a number of websites.  I am intelligent, kind, sincere, understanding, humble, and smart.


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