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The Word of God is as sweet as Honey

The Word of The Lord is as sweet as Honey!!
            I would like to start this essay by asking a very important question.  Do you think that the Word of God taste as sweet as honey?  The answer is yes!!  According to Jeremiah 15:16 it says that when your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.  When I think of this Bible verse, The Word of God is very refreshing.  I also gives me freedom and truth.  I really enjoy God’s word every day of my life. 
            Further, I want to tell everyone that God is Love.  God has changed me for the better.  I really do not like to use any vulgarity or engage in any behaviors of my past.  The Holy Spirit is inside of me.  I have been born again on 2/15/2015 at Fort McKinley Church in Dayton, Ohio.  I got baptized in the name of the Father of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  I am changed by the power of the Holy Ghost.  My mind itself has changed.  I am educated about the Word of God.  Psalms 1910 says they are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.  The word of God has changed me because I am taking ownership and responsibility for all of my actions.

Moreover, I know that I have to read the Bible and remember a lot of verses.  The Lord has touched me because I feel a whole lot better by listening to worship music instead of rap music.  I do not listen to the music from the past and watch movies from my past because it is of the world.  The world itself has changed so much from the time that I was a child that I would prefer to attend church on a regular basis, read the Bible each day, and pray honestly to God.  My prayer life has changed because I always tell the truth to God.  Matthew 6:8 says the Lord knows the things that you need of long before you ask Him.  This is the reason why I recite the Lord’s Prayer and the Serenity Prayer each day.
Also, I always pay attention to my environment because it is changing as well.  According to the State of Ohio Department of Commerce, over 9,000 people moved out of Dayton, Ohio last year.  I did not know this until I saw it on the local news.  Frankly, the Lord is keeping me here in my hometown of Dayton, Ohio for a reason.  Even though my family members are upset with me because I attend AA/NA Meetings on a regular basis.

 I have been clean and sober for 28 years as of this year.  In order for me to have a conversation with God, I must open up the Bible and ask God to speak to me through His word.  God’s love for us will never cease.  The Lord will be with us every day of our lives.  God has not stopped loving you.  God will never give up on you, we should not give up on Him.  The Word of the Lord is true.  The love of God works as long as we give Him a chance in our life.  Love never fails.  The Bible is a conversation material for us.  The Lord God will engage us with His word. 

Finally, I want to say that ever since I have dedicated my life to Christ, I feel a whole lot better.  If you want to change, that will put a smile on God’s face.  God is smiling on all of us who want to change.  Forgiveness is a part of spiritual healing.  I have been learning how to appreciate all of the small things that God has done for me.  I thank Him when I wake up.  I thank Him when I read His word and listen to His music.  I also ask God to follow me everywhere I go.  I even thank Him for allowing me to write, read, and to use the computer.  I ask God to reveal all of the strongholds in my personal life.  I am happy to disclose this information to others. I ask God to do all of the work in my life.  Thank you for reading my blog.

My name is Anthony Joseph Hopkins and I am a Blogger.  I have been born again since February 15, 2015.  I have been writing for the past 8 years. 


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