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The Old Man & The New Man

The Old Man vs The New Man by Anthony Joseph Hopkins

November 14, 2020


This is a comparison and contrast paper concerning the Old Man vs The New Man.  First, I would like to place emphasis on the Old Man.  The Old Man is a person who ignores God.  The Old Man is a person who pays attention to his deceitful lusts.



Next, according to Ephesians 4:22 Says: That you put off concerning your former conduct, the Old Man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts: The Old Man is a person who constantly gets into trouble with the law.  This Bible verse is saying that we put off the former conduct the Old Man, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts.


Further, the Old Man is a very immoral person.  The Old Man is a person who does not attend church on a regular basis.  The Old Man is a person who makes bad decisions and choices.  The Old Man is a person who places emphasis on worldly things.  The Old Man is a person who has a lot of possessions.


Moreover, The Old Man has a whole lot of women.  The Old Man is a person who does not pay tithes and offerings to the church.  The Old Man is a person who does not know how to take care of his responsibilities.  The Old Man is a person who is disrespectful.  The Old Man is a person who does not love himself or other people.


In Addition, The Old Man tends to have a lot of personal items.  The Old Man rarely attends college and graduate from college.  The Old Man hardly works for a living.  The Old Man is disrespectful towards women and children.



Also, The Old Man rarely pleases God in any way.  The Old Man is a man who is involved in all sorts of immorality.  Immorality pleases the Old Man a whole lot.  An Old Man tend to have a lot of younger women.  The Old Man only does things to please other men and women.  The Old Man, even though, is a law-abiding citizen in his own country.  The Old Man makes advances when he gets ready.


Ephesians 4:23 Says: And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.  Whereas, when it comes to renewing the spirit of your mind, this is a change from the inside out.  The Old Man will have to make a change for the better.  This means that an Old Man who is inside of his former conduct must have a complete change in his lifestyle, behavior, and conduct.

Frankly, The Old Man must come to his senses and ask God to change him for the better.  This change will not occur overnight.  This change will come gradually overtime.  When it comes to making a transition from the Old Man to the New Man, a man, woman, or child must be ready by God for this change.


However, when it comes to the New Man; a New Man is a God-fearing man.  The New Man is a Man who has respect for all people.  A New Man is a person who listens emphatically to other people.  The New Man attends Church on a regular basis.  The New Man is a Man who does not use vulgarity whatsoever.  The New Man imitates Jesus Christ in his behavior every single day.


 The New Man knows how to talk to his wife all of the time.  The New Man is a man who thinks before he acts.  The New Man is a law-abiding man.  The New Man has a lot of common sense.


According to Ephesians 4:24 Says: And that you put on the New Man, which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.  This Bible verse means that we need to imitate the behavior of Jesus Christ at all times.  We were created according to God in true righteousness and holiness.  This really means that we were created by God.  We are supposed to have a new mind and a new spirit.  We must strive for perfection in the same way Jesus Christ did while He was on earth.  When it comes to the New Man, we are supposed to speak in a way that pleases God.  The New Man is a man who is clean all of the time.  A new man does not have a lot of possessions.

Finally, The Old Man and The New Man are two different people.  The Old Man is concerned about himself.  The New Man is a Change Agent.  This means that the New Man is an ambassador for Jesus Christ.  The Old Man thrives in his own deceitful lusts.  When it comes to The New Man, he is a man who knows how to survive with God’s help.


In Conclusion, The Old Man and New Man are very unique individuals.  The Old Man things about himself the majority of the time.  In most cases, the New Man always think about everything that he says right out of his mouth.  The New Man places emphasis on other people.  The New Man works for God.


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