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Satan's Playground

How come the internet is Satan’s Playground?

Let’s have a good look at this for a moment.  What we mean by a playground is this? A playground consists of a very large space that is filled with equipment and activities for children to play inside of it.  When it pertains to Satan we all have to be extremely careful.  This playground can hinder us in various ways.  For instance, it can prevent anyone from serving the Lord.  1st Thessalonians 2:18 in the New International Version says for we wanted to come to you-certainly, I Paul did again and again, but Satan blocked our way.  This means that Satan prevents us from performing certain tasks for God. 

 He also keeps us from reading the Word of God, which is the sword of the spirit.  Another way of looking at this playground that belongs to Satan is the way it causes billions of people to get addicted.  A person can get easily captivated through the women who are online wearing certain apparel, or the music that we listen to on a daily basis.  Some of it is demonic. For example, there are certain beats, lyrics, and tunes that easily captivate our minds and draw us into the music.  There is an inner voice that communicates to each and every one of us.  It is Satan using the internet as his playground. His purpose is to deceive the nations worldwide.  The internet has been around for over 40 years. 

 The internet did not become available for public use until 1996.  However, this major search engine and tool has changed so much over the past 20 years that it has caused millions of people to break up their marriages, relationships, and families.  This is simply because of its graphic content that it contains.  James 1:14-15 indicates that but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.  Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death.  This means that we must pay close attention to all of the things that we are doing behaviorally, psychologically, and socially, so that it pleases God. 

 It is not easy because we are in a constant battle with our flesh each and every single day.  It is a war that is going on inside of the mind itself.  Satan captures your mind and draws you completely away from what you are supposed to do for God.  The Playground that I am talking about right now consists of not only the internet, but music, nightclubs, as well as other churches and occults.  The internet is emphasized at this time because it is the main thing that people are using right now for research and entertainment. 


There are more women online than men.  There are more children between the ages of 12 to 30 online more than ever before.  This is the main reason why parents need to start paying attention to the activities that each of their children is doing each day.  James 1:21 says therefore get rid of all moral filth and evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you.  This means that we must get rid of anything that contaminates our minds and accepts God’s word as a seed and allow it to grow inside of us.  Also, we must get rid of anything that goes against God.  Psalms 119:89 states that Your Word O Lord is eternal: it stands firm in the heavens.  This means that God’s Word is the only thing that will remain on earth.  The internet itself will dissolve just like the heavens and the earth.  Technology is something that will not last forever.  It is only a trend or fad.  Trends and Fads are temporary and this is something that only last for a very short period of time.

This also includes the internet if it is a major problem for you.  The internet as a playground is very serious.  It is technology, which is true.  Matthew 24:35 says that heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  Jesus told His disciples this information while He was reading the End of Times.  Jesus also told his disciples in Mark 13th chapter to watch because you do not know when the world will come to an end.  Watch therefore watch!!  Satan’s playground consists of many places.  These places where Satan is deceiving the nations are everywhere.  The internet itself is propaganda that is either positive or negative.  The internet is also filled with images that are capable of causing the conscious to erode. 
 Therefore, causing billions to become addicted and there is no way out of it.  This addiction is just as bad as smoking cigarettes.  How come the internet is Satan’s playground? This is a very good question because there are things that go on regularly that causes everyone to panic.  This is especially when there are hacking incidents that are going on worldwide.  This is a major threat to national security.  We are have to realize that this is very serious and we have to pay attention to what is going on around us through the use of our eyes and the rest of our 5 senses.


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