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Politics and Diversity

Politics and Diversity

This is a special essay concerning a very important topic when it pertains to American Politics. The topic of discussion is politics. First, what do we mean by politics? The definition of politics is the activities and methods of a political party. What are these activities that we are talking about; we are talking about people who represent our state, city, and government. We are also talking about people that represent a specific group or cause that has a reflection on human behavior.

These people are members of government that are supposed to assist the people and for the people of America. The people represent us as mayors, members of city council, senators, members of the House of Representatives, as well as other members of a diverse group that represent American Politics. These elite groups of members are responsible for making legislative decisions.

Next, we have to look at this specific group who are members of Congress or a political party that is made up of diverse members. What is the definition of diversity? The definition of this word means a difference or a variety. It is also a set of unlike characteristics having various forms or qualities. The diversity here pertains to how many men, and women who make up members of the political system in the United States. 

Further, diversity is unique because it has an impact on its members. An example of this impact that I am talking about are the issues that are being addressed that concerns the citizens of the United States. The rules and regulations that are enacted in Congress have a bearing on human behavior. Politics and diversity are intertwined. I say this because actions that have a politically driven are decided legislatively through a process called majority rule.

Moreover, a majority rule process when it pertains to bipartisanship does not work. When there is a majority rule, it is not very easy to establish bipartisanship. The bipartisanship is an agreement on party lines but it has a yes or no to it. Whereas a consensus is when all of the parties involved agree to resolve an issue together and everyone is completely satisfied at the end of their discussions. 

In addition, when it pertains to a majority in the political arena itself, this is a one complete party dominance. For example, specific members of the Democratic Party controlling both chambers of government. This one party dominance usually last for a specified period of time. This is true because there are elections after specific terms are served for each of our members of government. The elections later this year will be on the first Tuesday in November. There are seats that are available for both the incumbents' and their opponents. 

Also, there have been issues that have not been resolved between the American people and the politicians. These issues are as follows: jobs, education, immigration, recessions, and foreclosures of homes all over the United States. There are other issues that have an impact on the American people. A great example of this is massive unemployment in all over the country. This issue has caused many Americans to depend largely on social services. This is very serious because there is at least over a third of the population that is living below the national poverty level.

In conclusion, the housing costs have dropped tremendously since the year 2000. This is simply because of the current recession that we are experiencing right now. The recession itself has hurt millions of people. This is because there are so many people who are applying for unemployment claims. There are many who have refilled for their unemployment claims. This is due to the lack of jobs that have not been readily available for those who need them. Another factor is there is also millions who are underemployed and have been affected as well. I will admit that there are jobs available, but only to those who have advanced degrees and in certain industries. These industries are in marketing, sales, nursing, engineering, nursing, and in retail. The politicians that we have in office currently are supposed to listen to the American people. The politicians that we have in office are supposed to be available to consult with anyone on an as needed basis. 

Finally, when we speak of politics and diversity, I am focusing on members of Congress and the members of other groups that represent the American people. I am reflecting on the decisions that are made legislatively and are finally approved by a majority vote in both chambers of Congress. The final signature also comes from the President Himself. These decisions have an impact on human behavior. Some of the laws that are passed have an impact on the behavior of the citizens of a city, state, and country. These laws are passed through a bipartisanship of members who approve of these laws and rules for the sole purpose of satisfying all parties that are affiliated with a political party.


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