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What is Schizophrenia?

What is Schizophrenia

Good Afternoon Everyone!!  How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  My name is Anthony Hopkins and I am a grateful recovering alcoholic.  I also have a mental illness called Schizoid Affective Disorder, and Schizophrenia.




I want to inform all of you that what I am going through is not very easy to deal with.  I want to also inform all of you that what I am going through is a chemical imbalance that is inside of the brain.


Next, I want to inform all of you that I have been through some of the worse trauma in my personal life.  I have been writing about this problem for a number of years now.  I want to inform all of you that I have been hospitalized for this problem since 1997.  After 27 consecutive psychiatric hospitalizations, I am still going through the same situation right now.




Also, I want to say that I have been struggling with my emotions since 2009.  This occurred when I got scammed out of money by an elite group of people who were living in Accra, Ghana in the Country of Africa.  However, I want to mention that I was also a victim of a pyramid scheme.  This means that my money was going to two different places.  The victim sends money in Western Union Funds to a specific group of people. 






Moreover, I want all of you to please keep me in your prayers because this has been going on for over 27 years now.  I will admit that I really did not experience anything like this when I was enrolled at the University of Toledo during from 1991-1996.  I did not have any of these mental illness related issues while I was in college.  After I have graduated from college, I started experiencing these issues.  Oftentimes, I want to say that Satan can control you without your common knowledge.


In Addition, I want to say that; these voices are saying right now that I am a GhostWriter right now.  I really feel that someone had put a bad luck spell on me.  These hallucinations that I am experiencing right now is caused by the rage and anger that is derived from another person.  Therefore, my personal email accounts have been used by a specific person or persons right now.


Furthermore, I had been feeling that someone has been spitting saliva on a constant basis on me.  I will admit that I have been hearing these voices and it feels as if I am going through torment right now.  I want to really say that this is very dangerous. 


Finally, I want to inform everyone that my emotional problems cannot be resolved with medication.  God will have to personally come to Earth and resolve all of my active issues right now.  Whenever a person has schizophrenia, they feel that they cannot control their emotions and feelings at the moment.  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change.  Courage to change the things that I can, and give me the wisdom to know the difference.  Just for today!!



Frankly, I really feel that this is a murder in secret that the Bible talks about.  It really hurts me to go through these personal experiences of a person, who is a schizophrenia.  I have to take control of my personal feelings and actions.  This is like someone is controlling me right now.  I know that God has not given us a Spirit of Fear!!  2nd Timothy 1:7 says: For God has not given us a Spirit of Fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. 


Do you know that someone can kill you and get away with this crime.  This becomes both a Spiritual and Psychological problem.  I am not jumping to conclusions right now.

 I feel like I am under a lot of control of the unknown right now.  I will admit that if I did not go through the experience of getting scammed out of money due to having an Online Relationship with a specific group of females who live inside of the Continent of Africa and The United States.  Some people think that I am losing my mind right now.  If I am losing my mind, this means that this problem was caused by an anger and rage of women who are living inside of an unknown place.



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