Does the Lord direct our steps? The answer to this question is yes. The Lord God makes it possible for all of us to walk, talk, and breathe His air. This is because the air that we breathe each day does not belong to us. If a man’s steps are of the Lord, how come man’s immortality rates are higher than child birth? When it comes to man, God is always there to help him. Although man’s sense of direction is questionable.
I say this because man cannot do everything all by himself. This is the reason why man needs a mediator between him and God. If you want know the truth, we are all holding onto God’s right hand. I have another question. Is it true that man does not know his own way? This is a question for someone who has a Theology Degree to answer. John 3:27 says John answered and said A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. Therefore, all things are given to man in advance.
Do you know that man uses 50% of his own efforts when it comes to God? Yet, man is exhausted and tired after completing a task that God has for him. I am a man myself, and I will not be able to understand God like some of us. According to Isaiah 55:8 says My thoughts are higher than your thoughts and My ways are higher than your ways. man, himself was created by God while inside of our mother’s womb.
Another question that I have to ask. Does God really want man to understand him? In order for man to understand God, he must submit to His will. Will man ever get an opportunity to understand God? Is it true that we have to submit to God’s will in order to understand him? Is there a middle ground? The answer to this question is no. I only write blogs and essays just to cope with a mental illness.
It is not too late to ask God for wisdom and knowledge. God has granted me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change. Please give me the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Just for today!! I only wanted to fully understand God, but that is impossible. I have submitted to His will on February 15, 2015. For the past six years, I have yielded to God myself. I have to put Him first in my life.
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