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Deuteronomy 22:5 And What It Means to All People!!


Deuteronomy 22:5: And What It Means to All People!!  By Anthony Joseph Hopkins October 29, 2020



        This is an essay that is pertaining to one Bible verse.  The Bible verse is Deuteronomy 22:5: Says A Woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a Man put on Women’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.  I personally understand that it is the 21st Century.  It is that men and women are not reading the Bible.


Next, this Bible verse is very simple.  A man is not supposed to wear anything that belongs to a woman, and a woman is not supposed to wear anything that belongs to a man.  This is the reason why there is something called unisex.


21st Century

        Today, Women are wearing Men’s clothes and shoes today.  I have noticed that mean is getting sex change operations.  Men are dating other men, whereas, Women are dating each other.

 Further, less than 10% of the United States Population are transsexuals.  In Addition, Men and Women are dating the same sex. 

        I have selected this topic because we are living in the Last Days Worldwide: according to the Bible.  During the President Obama Administration, the United States Supreme Court approved of same sex unions in the United States.  The Supreme Court has been biased when it comes to their decision-making processes.

        Moreover, during the past 30 years, textile industries have been making unisex clothes.  There are certain things, or customs that are socially acceptable for both men and women today.  I want to inform everyone that when it comes to outer apparel, companies are making coats and jackets for both men and women.  I even know that it seems like our society has accepted a same sex agenda.


        In Addition, I want to say that certain equipment that we use for general purposes are now unisex equipment.  When it comes to Deuteronomy 22:5, this Bible verse is being ignored today.  I say this because people are doing exactly what their hearts desired.

        Furthermore, I want to say that everything has changed so much that it is leading to a state of demoralization right now.  To be honest, I really think that the same sex agenda should be abolished in the United States.

        Finally, I want to inform all of you that everyone should read this Bible verse.  This is the reason for the Torah.  The Torah means Mosaic Laws.  The Laws from the Old Testament in the Bible.  The Bible verse that I am talking about is simple.  Men should practice things that pertains to men, and women should practice things that are feasible for women.  We have to learn how to be transparent in our behavior and actions.


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