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What are the Issues of Life?

What are the Issues of Life?

What are the issues of life? A definition of something like this consists of trials and tribulations that we face each day. According to Proverbs 4:23 it says; above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flow from it. This means that we must watch what we say, think, and do. Our brain and heart is intertwined. It obviously works hand in hand. What the Bible says is that the mind itself controls everything. The heart is an organ that sustains life of an individual. It is the mind that controls the heart and everything else. Scientifically speaking, what the brain process as information is based on what we see, smells, touch, taste, and hear. It also has a whole lot to do with the information that is acquitted from our environment. A definition of an environment is one own surroundings. The issues of life are based on how we are able to have the ability to adapt and cope with conditions. 

When we speak about conditions it states that it can be anything based on behavior. A condition is a state of mind. Our state of mind each day of the week is based upon how we feel as individuals each day. Issues of life consist of how well we deal with other people who are inside of our environment. I know for me when it comes to maintaining a certain state of mind each day has a lot to do with how I feel each day. Issues of life can be traumatic in nature. It can be something that happens in our life such as natural disaster, death, loss of employment, and marriage as an example. 

Matthew 15:18-19 says: But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. This means that we must watch what we say; do think because it can lead to consequences. Anything that is defiled is expelled from the body and rejected. According to Matthew 12:36-37 states; But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word that is spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words, you will be condemned. This is very serious because anything that is spoken out of the mouth as speech goes directly into your Book of Life. Your book of life is based on the day that you were redeemed, saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. 

However, we all must give account of ourselves in the Day of Judgment. This is still a review of your actions, thoughts, and works for God. The issues of life are very serious. Issues of life have a lot to do with the ability of each person to cope inside of their own environment; in spite of what is going on in their personal life. Proverbs 23:19 say; understand my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path. We all must focus all of our attention on God. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! When the Bible talks about the heart it consists of our emotions, motivation, and inner being. It is very important that we stay solid and strong in our convictions and standards. We have to stick to our values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has a better interpretation and history of the heart. It reveals that in both Hebrew and Greek culture, the heart was thought of more as a symbol of ultimate purpose and motivation. Emotional concepts, like affection, were associated more with gastrointestinal organs. Hebrew symbolism used the body as an analogy of the whole person. The strength of a person was their outward behavior - what they do WITH their body. The conscious mind, in that culture did not as easily separate thought, emotion and volition like we do. They recognized the conscious mind was engaged in thoughts, feelings and intentions but they tended to see these as different facets of the conscious mind. The heart is the organ more at the core of the body. That culture used the heart as a symbol of the inner man, the deepest thoughts, the deepest feelings, the deepest intentions. So deep at times they were incomprehensible, and in some ways, unknowable and difficult to observe - known only by God.

So the heart is, in that language, a word that represents the core or ultimate intention, ultimate value, ultimate motivation. These were also analogous to concentric circles. The inner man is center-most. This is the heart. Surrounding the heart is a larger circle called the mind. The mind included all conscience thoughts, decisions and feelings. The outermost circle was the body where all the behavior took place. Spirituality starts at the center and works it way out, hence the admonishment to love God with all your heart (the very core of your being), all your mind (the most accessible part of your conscious life) and all your strength (the behavior that flows from the heart and mind).
Early Greek was not too different, especially the dialect of Koine Greek spoken in Israel and in which much of the New Testament was written. So in the bible, the word heart included all the facets of conscious process of intent, thought and feeling but at a level so deep it is ultimate and less accessible. It does not mean "emotions" they way we use the word today


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