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Building a United States Border Wall and the President's Campaign Promises

Building a United States Border Wall and The President’s Campaign Promises

            Prior to President Donald Trump became President, his campaign promises consists of building a border wall and a tax plan that would benefit everyone in the United States.  First, the Border Wall, President Trump kept emphasizing on building this wall in order to keep the illegal aliens from entering the United States illegally.  There are so many illegal aliens climbing over the Border Wall from Texas to California.  It is very hard to keep up with the people who are entering into this country illegally.  This is the reason why the President ordered National Guard Troops from Texas to California to prevent the illegal aliens from entering into this country in large masses.

            Next, The Governors of Texas has sent National Guard troops to the U.S. Border as well as Arizona and California last week.  President Trump sign an order sending at least 3,000 troops to the Mexican/United States Border and protecting the U.S. Border will take more than 3,000 troops.  It will also take over 8 years to build the Wall separating the two countries.  It will cost over a trillion dollars to build the Wall.  According to the General Accounting Office, it will cost more than a trillion dollars to build and to protect the Border Wall.

            Moreover, when it comes to taxes, President Trump has fulfilled to His campaign promises.  Frankly, it will cost more than 40 billion dollars to restore and maintain the U.S. Infrastructure.  The States will have to divide the money and use this money to build bridges and maintain the infrastructure in U. S. major cities.  It will cost much more than the President is suggesting to build bridges and street maintenance in communities Nationwide.

            Also, when it comes to other issues, the President has to do a better job of keeping a solid group of people that will stay in Office without any issues.  The Presidential Election was marred with controversy.  There are some staff members that have been fired for reasons that pertain to the Presidential Election.  There are at least 295 Members of the House of Representatives that are Republican.  Within the past 3 months, there has been Cabinet Members who has retired or resigned because of sexual allegations.  There

            In Addition, The President of the United States will have to tour every major city in order to do an assessment for himself.  He will also have to maintain a strong Military and make certain that he has enough money to fund military personnel and to build aircraft that is comparable to Russia, China, and Japan.  When it comes to the Military, Russia has an aircraft that is much better than the F-18 in the United States.  This aircraft cannot be detected by radar.  Funding these things in order to compete with the largest military in the world is China. 

            Further, when it comes to tariffs, the United States will have to make sure that it is maintaining a 50/50 System.  Meaning that the United States will have to make sure that it is not receiving more goods and resources than it sending to other countries.  When it comes to agricultural commodities, Japan, China, and Russia are receiving more pork from the United States than any other country worldwide.  Foods that are going overseas are soybean, corn, pork, and wheat.  When it comes to steel products, the United States have an issue with China because the Chinese steel products are entering into the country for a cheaper rate, until the President decided to raise tariffs.

            Finally, The President’s Approval Rating has increased since January.  The upper class are satisfied with what the President is doing.  However, the middle class and poor are discontent because there are not enough being done in the inner city communities.  There are cities that has more hardship than others.  There are States in the United States that are impoverished than others.  When it comes to funding all together, it is really up to the States to provide for their people.  During the past 8 years, the States were responsible for paying Social Security premiums for its citizens.

            On June 3, 2010, the States had to pay Social Security Premiums to its recipients.  There are over 50,000,000 people in the United States who are receiving Social Security Benefits.  During the Trump Administration, there has been at least 2 Government Shutdowns.  There has been at least 3 people from the Trump Cabinet that has fired because of the Presidential Election.  The Russians are responsible for hacking into the mainframe computer system in the United States.  President Trump’s Lawyer had to submit papers, emails, and information concerning the 2016 Presidential Election. 


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