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Excommunicating a family member is when a family distances itself from a member due to conflict or harmful behavior. It's similar to ostracism, which can have negative psychological effects. 
Causes of family estrangement 
  • Abuse: Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Toxic behaviors: Ongoing negative behaviors
  • Unacceptance: Feeling unaccepted or unsupported
  • Other relationships: Disapproval of a child's other relationships, such as a spouse, in-laws, or stepparent
  • Unrealistic expectations: Having different expectations for familial relationships
Effects of family estrangement 
  • Psychological consequences: Loneliness, low self-esteem, aggression, and depression
  • Grief response: The estrangement can feel like an unexpected loss
  • Isolation: The rejected party may feel isolated and experience behavioral changes
Family therapy 
  • Excommunication can be used as a family therapy technique to remove a member who is causing conflict
  • The goal is to remove the member until they are willing to accept the values they have transgressed
Why So Many People (Myself Included) Are Experiencing Family ... - Vogue
May 2, 2024 — Raising a child herself inspired content creator Bunny Hedaya to cut ties with her own mother in 2019. “I didn't see her much before I became a mothe...
Excommunication as a Family Therapy Technique | JAMA Psychiatry | JAMA Network
JAMA Network
Family estrangement - Wikipedia
Although the rejected party's psychological and physical health may decline, the estrangement initiator's may improve due to the cessation of abuse and conflict...
Family Estrangement: Why Families Cut Ties and How to Mend Them
Jun 10, 2020 — * Parents cut off children usually because they object to their kids' other relationships. In the rare cases where the parents cut off the child, t...
Scientific American
Family Estrangement | Psychology Today
Family estrangements occur when at least one family member begins distancing themselves from another because of longstanding negativity in their relationship. W...
Psychology Today
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Family estrangements occur when at least one family member begins distancing themselves from another because of longstanding negativity in their relationship.
Family it's a high bar before excommunication, but there's definitely still a bar. Significant theft, elder abuse, child abuse, lots of reason ...
May 2, 2024 — At least one in four people experience estrangement from a family member, while another study found that one in 10 have cut off a parent or child.
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Family estrangement is the cessation or reduction of a previously existing relationship between family members
by A Barcai1972Cited by 6 — Excommunication is a dramatic method of social control, typically used to extrude a deviant member of society until he is willing to declare his.
Apr 6, 2015 — Does anyone have any resources to recommend for dealing with family members under excommunication?
My family EXCOMMUNICATED me…now they want me back? | Reddit Stories
Today, this beautiful family will be excommunicated from the ...
Excommunicated: A heart-wrenching and compelling memoir about a family torn  apart by one of New Zealand's most secretive religious sects for readers ...
Got excommunicated from my family after coming out to my parents years ago  and it feels like I’m slowly losing everything that tied me to my family  and my culture. How do I even recover? I miss him so ...
Jun 10, 2020 — Family estrangement is painful and isolating. What are the reasons that family members cut one another off? How can we cope with or prevent broken family ties?

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