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Examine our Ways and Heart


What does it mean to examine our ways and heart?


Anthony Joseph Hopkins

This is an essay that will ask a very important question. What does it mean to examine our ways and heart? This is a plan for repentance and renewal. Turn Back!! Repentance in the Old Testament prophets is often expressed by the verb To Turn!! Lift our hearts and hands: Lifting hands was a common posture in prayer.


According to Lamentations 5:21: The one-word turn can summarize God’s message to His rebellious people. In one of Jeremiah’s earlier messages, he had exhorted the people to turn to God no less than seven times. Return means to “Return” to God in faith.

When it comes to repentance, I have to completely stop what I had done wrong, and give it to the Lord God. The definition of the word repent means to turn back. As it pertains to the topic of discussion, this gives us an opportunity to examine carefully who we are in the eyes of God. It also enables us to write down on paper all of our positive and negative things about ourselves.


We have to speak with the Lord privately first and foremost. Before we seek wise counsel with others, we first must confess our sins to the Lord.

Next, in this case, this means that everything that we did wrong in our personal life, we ask God to forgive us. As far as our ways and heart is concerned, we must take a real long look at ourselves. Do you really like what you see? This is a question that we really need to ask ourselves right now. For instance, in my case, I tend to ask myself this same question every single day. I have a lot of health issues right now. I am taking 34 prescription medications that I am currently taking is Invega, Prozac, Vistaril, Gabapentin, -and Phenobarbital. I have been taking these medications for over 20 years now.  These are some examples of medications that I am currently taking right now.  I am also taking Aptiom as well which is Tegretol.


Further, I currently take these medications for seizures and depression. How do you feel about yourself right now? I feel pretty good about my outlook on life, and my overall behavior as completely changed since taking the medications.





In Step 10 in Alcoholics Anonymous states that we continue to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
A) We review our day at its entirety. Do we have to make amends with anyone else or God? Sometimes the answer to this question is yes. For me personally, I have to examine all of my character defects and disclose them with God or with my A.A. Sponsor. Right now, I have to write an essay each day of the week just to cope with a mental illness. I have to pray and read the Bible each day of the week.





B) When we examine our ways, we look at every little thing that makes us tick. For Example, we focus on having an intimate relationship with God. Are you ready to have an intimate relationship with God?
C) The definition of the word examine means to look at carefully. I am the type of person who is very intelligent, nice, kind, polite, patient, considerate, warm, brave, clean, and meticulous.


Finally, we are ready to have an intimate relationship with God by confessing our sins to Him!  As soon as I say that I am ready to do your will Lord. First, I must confess all of my sins to the Lord God.

I might even write them down on a piece of paper and tell God exactly what is burdening me. Also, one thing that I can say is that I feel much better when it comes to releasing all of my negative energy to Him. I also ask Him what he wants me to do right now and in the future. I ask the Lord to please let me hear His voice. God already know the things that you need long before you ask Him.


He will supply all of your needs.
Are you glad that we serve an understanding God? I am glad that I serve Him for myself. Please continue to pray for me each day because I suffer from glaucoma and cataracts as well.


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