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Step 6 Character Defects

Were ready to ask God to remove our defects of character Step 6

Step 6 is a separation of people from themselves and others.  When it comes to this step, we will have to prepare to let go of everything that is completely bothering us.  Step 6 is like a mania, which is an object of excessive madness.  Therefore, we must ask God to remove the madness in your life.  Character defects are called sins.  

God begins to work in our lives.  Our foundation has to be prepared for our situations.  These defects of character hurt us.  They have also delayed us.  Read Romans 7:14-25.  This is called struggling with sin.  Defects are the absence of something necessary or useful toward perfection.  Read Genesis 1:31 and Isaiah 59:2.  Character is its features and qualities that set you apart from others, such as unbelievers.  Your character is what people know you by.  It distinguishes who you are.

Next, I am asking God to remove all of these undesirable traits.  Deeply ingrained patterns of behavior; which are called habits.  A habit is a behavioral pattern that has been done numerous of times.  This means that you have done it for an extended period of time.  When it comes to generational curses, which are roots and branches are messed up through families.  This is a cycle.  They will not vanish overnight.  We must be intentional in our own behavior with God.
God’s righteousness is credited to me.  Through the power of the Holy Ghost sanctification takes place.  Read Colossians 1:13.  We begin to find a peace of joy, myself.  People begin to say that I remember when.  Replace all of our defects of character with good intentions.  God will make your life better.

  Read Luke 6:19.  This is when power was coming from Him.  Jesus Christ was healing everyone that came to Him.  Read 2nd Corinthians 5:17.  A complete transformation of our life is done through the power of the Holy Ghost. We begin to ask God to bind up our evil speaking, pride, and bad spirits.  Read Ephesians 1:21.  He is far above all principalities, powers right now and in the world to come.  Read Galatians 5:22-23 and 2nd Corinthians 5:18-20.  Read Ephesians 2:13.  A lack of power was my dilemma.  Trade our character defects for Godly character.  We are ambassadors of Jesus Christ.  A tradition is something that is passed down.  Read 1st John 2:23.  Whoever has acknowledged the Father has acknowledged the Son also.  Read Titus 2:14.  Character defects are sins.

Read Ezekiel 36:26-27.  The new life that we reach in Jesus Christ, we become a brand new person.  Read 2nd Corinthians  4:3-4.  This is called Spiritual Blindness.  We must be willing to trade in our filthy mouth, cheating, porn, dishonesty, immorality, and our broken down self.  Read 2nd Corinthians 2:10.  This is the model of me.  God is putting the pieces together.  Friendships are restored as well as favor from estrangement.  
1.Reconciliation with God
2.Pardon is excuse of an offense without penalty.  It is an official release from punishment.  The offender is release custody.  Read Psalms 103:12.


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