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New Version of Enabling



Good Day Everyone!  My name is Anthony Hopkins and I am responsible for enabling other people for more than a half of a century.  I remember when I was a child, I used to help others with their homework for school. 




I am getting very honest with myself and others about enabling behavior.  I have been clean and sober for 34 years now.  I rarely ask anyone else for help.



Next, I am letting all of you know that I am guilty of enabling other people.  What is the definition of enabling?  Enabling is when someone is doing something that other people can do for themselves.  At one point in my life, I was coerced by other people to do something for someone else.  The fair-weather friends that I had were using me.  My family members told me to my face that people were taking advantage of me.  At that time, I had concealed the person and the whole problem. 






 I have a fair-weather friend that still ask me to do things for him.  I didn't know that this behavior was getting worse because I was always broken financially.


Further, I am sharing this information because I know that there are other people who are going through the same thing.  I know that certain people do not love me personally.  I have got my friend released from prison back in 2016.  He did not appreciate it.  I have done so much for other people that I am in need, and the same people who I have helped cannot help me in return. 



 I know that I am sharing all of this information to help others wake up and smell reality.  I am very sorry for allowing other people to take advantage of me.  It hurts me because I owe $ 32,000 dollars in student loan debt right now.  My mother told me to my face that I will see the error of all of my ways. 

 There are members in my family, who have not given me a dime to help me, but my nieces and nephews helped me and I am very grateful.


Moreover, I want to inform all of you that my neighbor's at Wentworth Hi Rise Apartments have helped me when I couldn't call my siblings.  My siblings helped me in the past.  My brother paid my rent for me. 

 My siblings want me to live with them, but I don't want to caste all of my burdens on them.  I really need a job working somewhere just to pay my student loans and other bills.  I am sharing all of this just to let everyone know that my church members helped me out a lot.

  I am saying all of this information to learn how to help others who are in need.  My Pastor told me that I am an analytical thinker and I am an excellent Writer.







In Addition to the library and Church that I attend on a regular basis.  It's that I am very sick physically mentally psychologically and spiritually drained. I am asking God to help me out with this drained problem.  Emotionally, I am losing my memory right now.  I have lapses in my memory right now. I am very happy to have a place to live for 13 years now.  I only wish that I can stop the marijuana smoking inside of the building.  My back is still hurting me.







Finally, I am telling all of you that enabling is a very serious problem.  I tell other people who enable others to please keep away from me.  I realize that I have Jesus Christ and God as my real friends.  I am very happy to help others but I will not allow other people to take advantage of me and my kindness.  I suffer from Diabetes Full Blown Type 2 and Alzheimer's right now.









 My family members do not visit me anymore because of the bedbugs that are inside of the building where I live.  I can understand everyone is skeptical about me and my building where I choose to live.  I write because it helps me to cope with a mental illness.  I do spray alcohol inside of my apartment to prevent bedbugs from bothering me.  Enabling affects me and everyone else. 


 I cannot keep on doing things for people when they can do it for themselves.  I have some bad news to share with you.  The Social Security Administration is getting ready to terminate my benefits. 


 People who are under the age of 65 have to go back to work and make a decent living for themselves.  Social Security Administration specifically stated that I have written three books in 23 years.  They are saying that I have to report my income.  The US Government has given me a stimulus check and I used money to publish three books in 23 years now. 


 I love all of you, but this enabling problem is affecting me personally.  If someone knows how to use a computer, I will let you do your own work.  I am an Author of three books.  I have to copyright all of my most recent writing.  I love you all.  Please start using your phone for everything. 

 If I can apply for a job using my phone, then anyone else can do the same exact thing.  Enabling has caused a lot of people to become deprived of learning a brand-new skill.  Enabling does not give me power, it is transferring power to the other person.  Enabling leaves, you powerless, and you do not have to be in active addiction.  My fair-weather friend has used me so much that I am getting tired of being around him.


In Conclusion, I have learned a valuable lesson for doing things for other people, and you are not getting paid.  It also deprives you of money and learning new skills myself.


 Enabling is an addiction and it needs to stop.  Enabling causes other people to consume you with their stuff.  Anger resides inside of the heart of fools.  It defines our culture.  Enabling for me has made me out of a fool.


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