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Which Topics would Matter to me in my personal life?

Which topics would you like to be informed about?   My favorite topics are in reference to church and staying sober from drugs and alcohol, when it comes to AA/NA Recovery.   I love to read the NA Basic Text and the AA Big Book.  I also like the topics from the Emotions Anonymous Basic Text as well.   When I was living in Charlotte, NC, I used to attend THE Emotions Anonymous meetings on Monday Evening from 6:30PM through 9:00pm at a local church located on Randolph Road near Providence Road in Charlotte NC.   On Tuesday and Thursday, I attended my AA Meetings on Randolph Rd and Billingsley Rd at the Chemical Dependency Center which was right across the street from the Mecklenburg County Welfare Department, and  Area Mental Health as well.   Later that day, I attended Anger Management classes at the Men’s Uptown Shelter in Charlotte from 6:30PM to 8:00pm for 8 years straight.   On Wednesday Evenings, I caught the Number 15 bus to Emotions Anonymous as well.   On Friday Afternoon from 3:00-6:00pm I consulted with my AA Sponsor as well as turned in my homework on a weekly basis.   Otherwise I am doing much better now than before.  These meetings were very beneficial to me.  As long as I can receive information from the AA/NA Meetings on a daily basis, I will survive.  Please keep me and my entire family members in your prayers and thoughts because Recovery really matters to me  for the rest of my entire existence.   Yes, I still have homework to turn into my Therapist every two weeks and my AA Sponsor helps me along the way.   Recovery really matters to me.   Thank you for reading my essay about AA/NA Recovery and Emotions Anonymous as well as Anger Management classes. 


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