What is your #1 priority tomorrow? My #1 priority is to give God more of my time. I really need to Thank Him for allowing me to wake up in my right frame of mind, & to Thank God for allowing me to live & see today and yesterday. I need to thank God for allowing me to breathe His Precious Breath of Life each day. I need to thank God for using my Five Senses and to be able to move my arms and legs. I need to thank God for having a place to live. I thank God for blessing me with the things that I have earned in my life. I thank God for all of my family members and friends. I thank God for blessing my family members with the jobs that they have in their life. I thank God for showing me how to read & write just like everyone else. Officially, my #1 priority is to continue to serve God and Mankind with the essentials that they really need to maintain in life. Another priority of mine is to bring someone to church. I also would like to become a better person. I need to fulfill the Great Commission that is in Matthew 28:18-20 each day of my life. My #1 priority is to be available for God, Jesus Christ, other people & to become honest and truthful with God Himself and everyone else. I really need to start doing something for myself. I am literally grateful just to live & see another day. I need to cherish each living day and accept it. I am very grateful for being myself. I thank God for accepting me as I am. I need to thank God for being My God and Friend.
What is Forgiveness Part 2 By Anthony Joseph Hopkins May 8, 2021 Forgiveness Part #2 is simply about asking a very important question. How many times shall I forgive my brother? The answer is 70*7 = 490 times. I will admit that I have to work on this issue myself. This is simply because people has been cussing me out as of late. I know that I have to forgive each person 490 times. This is the truth. I know that it is very hard for me to forgive each person 490 times. I know that each person must forgive me a total of 490 times. I have had one of my AA Sponsee cuss me out to my face. I did not say or do anything to him personally. I have learned to become humble as of late. I have more respect for other people’s feelings. I am a sinner that needs grace and mercy. Next, I want to say that I have put up with a lot of crazy stuff f...
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