What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? First, the best piece of advice that I have ever received was to get baptized on Sunday February 15th, 2015 at Fort McKinley United Methodist Church located on 3721 West Siebenthaler Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45406. My AA Sponsor helped me to get baptized right along with Pastor Jon Morgan, who was the Pastor at Fort McKinley United Methodist Church during a 12 year stint. My Pastor made sure that I would get baptized because I officially repented of all of my sins to God & Jesus Christ & to everyone worldwide on that day because it was-18 degrees below zero and God was with me. Second, I was advised to remain in the Toledo, Ohio Area in order to graduate from the University of Toledo on Saturday June 12, 1993 & On Saturday June 17, 1995. I was thinking about moving back to Dayton, Ohio because my house; 126 Rosalind Place Toledo, Ohio 43602 was deliberately set on fire. I had lost everything that I have in the fire. Therefore, I had to move to another house 4 miles away from Cherry Street in Toledo, Ohio. I was working 3 jobs , and I was attending The University of Toledo on a full-time basis. I was working at the University of Toledo William Carlson Library from December of 1992 through June 15, 1996. I was working at the Jerusalem Outreach Center located on 445 Dorr Street for a total of 3 years. I also worked at the University of Toledo William Savage Hall as an Usher from December 1, 1991 through June 15, 1996. I also worked temporarily at the University of Toledo Bookstore for 3 years. My Landlords house was inside of an excellent neighborhood. The House was located on 526 Highland Avenue off of Collingwood Boulevard in the Toledo Ohio Area. My Landlord's Family members allowed me to stay at the house until I graduated with my Bachelors of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies & Social Work. Two years earlier, I graduated with my Assistant Degree in Applied Sciences in the Social Services Technology Profession from the University of Toledo County and Technical College at Scott Park. The reason why I had to attend a Community and Technical College because I had a 1.1 Grade Point Average in High School at the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Dayton, Ohio on Tuesday June 10, 1986 at the Dayton Memorial Hall at 7:00pm through 9:30PM. The Memorial Hall was right across the street from Patterson Cooperative High School on Second Street and Sinclaire Avenue in Downtown Dayton, Ohio. Afterwards, I walked to the Bus Stop on West Third & Main Street to catch the bus with my Cap and Gown on from the High School Graduation. On that day, I was the oldest student to graduate from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School In History. I was 20 years old when I earned my High School Diploma. The following year, I attended Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio for only 2 years. I moved out of my Great House to the YMCA for 3 years. I enlisted in the United States Marines Corps on January 21, 1988. I didn't stay very long because I wanted to finish College. Third, and Finally, I got into a fist fight with one of my Friends because he wanted me to finish high school. I did exactly what he told me to do by earning my High School Diploma for him and myself. My friend passed away on March 21, 2016. His name was Eric Hill. I told his family members that if it wasn't for him, and God, I couldn't do nothing. Thank You Eric Hill , and God, & Jesus Christ for my Success Today. Thank you for reading my essay today 🙏.
What is Forgiveness Part 2 By Anthony Joseph Hopkins May 8, 2021 Forgiveness Part #2 is simply about asking a very important question. How many times shall I forgive my brother? The answer is 70*7 = 490 times. I will admit that I have to work on this issue myself. This is simply because people has been cussing me out as of late. I know that I have to forgive each person 490 times. This is the truth. I know that it is very hard for me to forgive each person 490 times. I know that each person must forgive me a total of 490 times. I have had one of my AA Sponsee cuss me out to my face. I did not say or do anything to him personally. I have learned to become humble as of late. I have more respect for other people’s feelings. I am a sinner that needs grace and mercy. Next, I want to say that I have put up with a lot of crazy stuff f...
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