What details of your life could you pay more attention to? Frankly, I would like to pay attention to more about my apartment as well as myself. I would like to say thank you Lord Jesus for allowing me wake up this morning to breathe His Precious Breath of Life and to use my Five Senses and to move my arms and legs. Lord Jesus, please forgive me of all of my sins, transgressions, and Iniquities. I really need to start paying more attention to my Personal Problems and to take better care of myself. I need to spend more of my time with Jesus Christ by reading the Word of God. I need to start attending Bible Study each week and start networking with other Believers of Jesus Christ. I would like to spend more time with my family members and friends. I need to start attending my Aa and NA Meetings on a regular basis; rather than participating online. Lord Jesus, please, teach me how to become a mature adult man. I also need to make amends with my family members and people, who I have problems with for a number of years now. I already have forgiven myself and other people so far. I just need to spend time making amends with my family members, who live in other states in the United States. What details that I have to pay more attention to is decreasing the amount of medications that I am currently taking each day. I need to reduce my medicine from 23 pills in the morning to 5 pills each day. I am taking a total of 33 pills each day right now. I need to pay more attention to my diabetes problems as well as my brain & spine related issues. Therefore, I just need to take better care of myself; rather than neglecting myself. I also need to practice a lot more on my sign language skills. One thing that I can say is that I have improved in my academic skills. I thank God for improve in my math skills. Practice is very important to me. I have considered attention Seminary School. I need to improve in my overall health and behavior. I really need to improve in learning how to understand human behavior. Good Morning Everyone 🙏 God Bless All of You & may the Lord God continue to bless you. Thank you for reading my essay today 🙏. Please pray for me and my entire family members. Please have a nice day!
What is Forgiveness Part 2 By Anthony Joseph Hopkins May 8, 2021 Forgiveness Part #2 is simply about asking a very important question. How many times shall I forgive my brother? The answer is 70*7 = 490 times. I will admit that I have to work on this issue myself. This is simply because people has been cussing me out as of late. I know that I have to forgive each person 490 times. This is the truth. I know that it is very hard for me to forgive each person 490 times. I know that each person must forgive me a total of 490 times. I have had one of my AA Sponsee cuss me out to my face. I did not say or do anything to him personally. I have learned to become humble as of late. I have more respect for other people’s feelings. I am a sinner that needs grace and mercy. Next, I want to say that I have put up with a lot of crazy stuff f...
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