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It Is Time To Walk With Jesus Christ

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It is time to walk with God & Jesus Christ 🙏   Good Morning Everyone!  How are all of you doing today?   My name is Anthony & I am from Dayton, Ohio.   I am a 59 year old man, who has lived a very short period of time.   It is time to be transparent for a change.   I know that I have lost my mother, Father, Grandparents, and Sister as well as an Uncle; whom I loved very much.  

Next, I have been living inside of the same apartment for going on 14 years.   During my very short time, I have managed to graduate from high school and college.  I have worked in the Library for 13 years.   Most of it were spent at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  While I was employed at the Library, I was enhancing my computer skills. 

Further, I really loved living in the South!  Do you know that living in the Charlotte Mecklenburg County Area, I became a man; instead of a child?  Although I was homeless on three different occasions, I have managed to rely on a Power that is greater than myself.   I will admit to becoming vulnerable.  The reason why is because I was careless and nonchalant with my money.   I am responsible for losing a total of $18,550 dollars in Western Union Funds.   Currently, I am all by myself online right now because the Internet is definitely the Devils Playground. 

Moreover, I had spent three years in bondage.  Do you know that online relationships are very artificial in nature.  If you are spending time with someone online, please stop look and listen because if you think that you are in a relationship; You are really fooling yourself.  I know because I have been there myself.   

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In Addition, It is time for me to literally walk with God & Jesus Christ because I have too many health problems right now.   I am having memory problems and problems that I really cannot discuss online anymore.  The reason why I am writing this information is simply because my outer body is perishing.   The Doctors that I have in my life right now are not telling me the truth.   I am only existing right now.   Do you know that people can smile in your face and stab you in the back simultaneously.  This journey that I am walking on is between me and God only!  It is time for me to handle this all by myself.  A few months ago, I have shared this with everyone, but no one is listening to me. 

Finally, It is officially time for me to walk with JESUS CHRIST.  I know that God has plans for all of us.   The difference is we must be accountable for our actions.  Do You Know that God is literally watching you?  This is very serious because our time is running out!  When will you know when your time runs out?   Life is really what you make of it.  It is time for me to spend all of my time with Jesus Christ because He is my personal Savior.  My time that I have spent in my hometown has made me realize that life is really serious!

In Conclusion, Playtime is officially over!  If The Lord’s Will I will be 60 next year!  All of the games are over. My prescription medication is making me very sick.  I have to buy some Purified Water from the store because my tap water that is inside of my apartment building is contaminated.   I know this because I spent 36 hours at Grandview Hospital in room 6113.  My tap water has increased my Creatinine levels because my kidneys almost shutdown. 

In Summary, I am walking with JESUS CHRIST because I have to bear my responsibilities on my own.   I cannot afford to get evicted again!  It is time for me to spend time with Jesus Christ because He knew me when I was inside of my mother's womb.  He knew me before I even came into existence.  Evaluate your life before it is too late.  Thank you for reading my essay today. 


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