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How do you celebrate holidays?  The first thing that I do is pray to God each day of the week.  I thank God for allowing me to wake up in the morning and being able to breathe His Precious Breath of Life, utilized my Five Senses 🙏.   I also thank God for allowing me to pay my bills and rent each month.   I celebrate the holidays by attending church on each day; during the holidays.   Secondly, I spend time with my family members and friends.  I usually cook lunch and dinner for everyone who is at my apartment.   I have food allergies such as: onions, shrimp, tomatoes, pineapple, coconut, and grapefruit.   I have other allergies that will affect my personal health and well-being of myself.   How do you celebrate holidays?  During the past few years, I have been spending time all by myself because my family members tend to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana on a regular basis.   Therefore, I cannot be around people who are smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol because it would jeopardize my Recovery and sobriety.   My family members usually cook enough food to feed over 100 people who are in my family.   I celebrate Christmas, Easter, and New Years Eve at Church located in the Dayton, Ohio Area.   In most cases, I have spent most of the holidays all by myself.  However, I do get in contact with all of my family members and friends.   I also get in touch with my Church Members as well.  I know that I am supposed to spend time with people who I really do not know.   I am trying to lose weight within the next few years.  This is because I suffer from Diabetes, Glaucoma,Cataracts, and Schizoid Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia as well as Alzheimers Dementia.  I usually celebrate Mothers Day, Father's Day, and the 4th of July all by myself.   Even though, my family members are not too receptive towards me as a person because I do not have the same father as my half siblings.   My life during the past 7 years has been filled with Solitude and Loneliness and Sadness because my Grandparents, Mother, and Sister are no longer here on Planet Earth to talk to me right now.   Life itself is really what you make of it!  My neighbors who live inside of my apartment building do not talk to me anymore.   How do I celebrate holidays?  I have been lonely and sad right now.   I view the holidays as an actual day that The Lord God has made.  I do rejoice and be glad in it.  This is the Day that The Lord has made.  I have my own apartment to really clean up and I have to take care of myself a whole lot better than I used to.   I have to purchase new things right now.  The Love that I possess inside of my heart, I will take my love that I have for everyone with me to heaven.  Love is more important than money.   Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for keeping it real with me for 59 years of my life right now.   How do I celebrate the holidays right now?   I celebrate the holidays with God and Jesus Christ 🙏 🙌.   I also have my Sobriety of 34 years and 4 months and 15 days now.   All that I know is that God and Jesus Christ Love Me in the same way He Loves You.   I am really taking it day by day, and one minute at a time.   The Lord is Blessing me; even though I have been giving sparingly.   He who reaps sparingly, will also reap sparingly.   He who reaps bountifully, will also reap bountifully.   Frankly, I am in need of a good paying job.  I have to start praying every single day 🙏.   I also need to read my Bible and attend Church on a regular basis.   I need all of you to please keep me and my entire family members in your prayers and thoughts because; We All Need God and Jesus Christ in our lives 🙏.   May The Lord God and Jesus Christ will continue to bless all of you richly.  I Love All of You very much for the rest of my existence.     God Bless All of You!  Thank you for reading my essay about: How Do You Celebrate The Holidays? 


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