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The End Times vs The Last Days In The Bible

The End Times vs The Last Days of The Bible

By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins

        Good Day Everyone!! This is a comparison and contrast paper that is based on the End of Times vs The Last Days.  I would like to start things off by asking everyone a very important question.

 What do we mean by the End Times and the Last Days?  The first thing that comes to mind is the end of the world.  It literally scares me because I would not want all of this to come to an end.  I know that the Son of Man, who is Jesus Christ is coming soon.  We have to be patient and wait on Him.  I am doing just that right now.  I am waiting on the Lord.

        Next, I am patiently waiting on Him by maintaining my faith in the Lord.  My name is Anthony Joseph Hopkins and I am from Dayton, Ohio.  I am placing emphasis on the End Times vs The Last Days.  When it comes to the End Times, Jesus was talking to His Disciples by letting them know that the end is not here.  When it comes to Matthew’s Interpretation of the End of Times, his account is very specific.  There are Greek and Hebrew interpretations when it comes to the very end.  At least, for me, I am looking for additional insight when it comes to the very end of the system of things.  Every time I read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, my thinking tends to change.  This is because Matthew was very specific about the things that Jesus Christ has said to the Disciples that they must do these things. 

        Further, I want to say that I am utilizing all four Gospels so that I can receive a dialogue among my colleagues and members of the General Public.  Honestly, what is being said by the Disciples has made me more aware of my surroundings and the people that is inside of it.  I also have to pay real attention to my behavior.  I know that I am trying to explain some things that are happening right now, and the things to come.


I have to become fully aware of the things that in the above image.  I know that there will be false Christs, False Prophets, Earthquakes, Wars, Rumors of Wars, Nation vs Nation, and Kingdoms vs Kingdoms.  I am aware of earthquakes in the State of Ohio this year as well as 15 Tornadoes in the Dayton, Ohio Area.  These are the things that are happening right now, and the Last Days are forthcoming.  To be frank with everyone, both of these events are happening simultaneously.

        The image that I have posted right now is from The Rapture.  I have seen things that have occurred in my 59 years of existence, and it has changed tremendously since 1980. 

This information itself has also been talked about in the Old Testament.  I want to say that every time I read the Book of Isaiah, Daniel, and Micah, it has been talked about in advance.  I am very apprehensive not about the present, but the future.  I get the impression that this is going to get worse before it gets better.

        Moreover, I only wish that I can see the Lord for myself.  I do not have any doubts about my faith in the Lord.  Like they say, nothing last forever.  I realize that this is a very long paper, but I feel confident in my attempts to come to a swift conclusion.  When it comes to the End Times, family members will kill family members as well.  Brother will go against brother; whereas sisters will go against each other as well.  I know that I have to do my very best to live for the Lord Jesus Christ.  I am not perfect, but I will say that I am living for Him. 



In Addition, I want to say that Mark 13th Chapter is a repeat of what Jesus Christ told His Disciples regarding the End of Times.  There will be random acts of violence everywhere worldwide.  Mark 13th Chapter is written differently.  I get the impression that the audience that this is written for is different. 




For False Christs and False Prophets shall rise and show signs and wonders to try to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.  Members of the Church will be confused by these people who claim to be Prophets and a Christ that is fake.  This is the reason why I am reading the Bible and observing the things with my eyes to see for myself. 

        Finally, I want to mention the Last Days because I have spent too much time on the End of Times.  The Last Days are going to be much worse than the End Times.  This means that everything that is mentioned inside of the Bible will take place.  I know that for me personally, I want to see the Lord for myself.

 It really scares me to see creatures that are dwelling among the people of the earth to destroy them.  I am very apprehensive because if I see a creature that is abnormal dwelling inside of this earth, it would really frighten me.  If it is inside of the Bible, God will have to allow me to survive all of these things.

        In Conclusion, I am praying that I will survive all of this.  I know for myself that the second coming of Jesus Christ will be a glorious appearance.  My prayer is that I can see the Lord for myself.  All of what I have been reading as of late has completely changed me for the better.  When it comes to the Last Days, things are going to be so bad that the safest place to be at is inside of the Church.  There are times when people lock the doors of the Church.  There is a profound fear that people are going to change for the worse.

        In Summary, I want to inform all of you that we are living inside of a changing society.  I want to say that Jesus Presence is apparent to me and for everyone.  In reference to the End Times and the Last Days, I have to watch and be very careful of people, places, and things. 


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