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Men, Women, and Communication

How to Talk, Listen, and to Understand Women!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a very special essay on the importance of learning how to listen, talk, and to understand women. First, it is very important to understand that women are a creation of God Himself.


 Her creation is derived from the womb of man; who is named Adam. A rib of man was removed while he slept and afterwards his female counterpart was right directly in front of his face. Her name was Eve because she is an auxiliary for man.

This meaning his counterpart or companion while joining him on earth. A woman is unique as a species because she is the bearer of children and she is very intelligent.

Second, in an institution of marriage, a man is supposed to leave his own parents’ home and join his wife and live with her inside of a house of their own. This is the institution of marriage. However, in contemporary times, women do not bear the last name of their own husbands. This is done for personal reasons.

In some cases, this has a lot to do with pre-nuptial agreements that has been made prior to marriage. Also, in some cases, this has a lot to do with assets and information that couples cannot gain access to throughout the marriage.

Third, let's get to the lesson of learning how to communicate with women. As children, a little boy is supposed to learn how to respect his own mother. This is first and foremost. This is by making sure that he is able to say yes madam and no madam to his own mother to begin with.

 In retrospect, he is also supposed to learn how to respect his elders. This means that he is supposed to respect those who are older than him. When it pertains to women, a boy or a man is supposed to stop whatever he is doing at the moment and go directly to women.


This is a respect factor. By doing this a boy, girl, man, or another woman is supposed to pay attention to what she is saying to you.



Fourth, women deserve respect simply because they are emotional creatures just like men. It's that men deny or in most cases refuse to acknowledge their personal feelings. Nor even recognize their sensitive side at times. There are times that disagreements might occur, but it is very important to learn to listen to both sides of any disagreement.





The primary purpose of learning to talk, listen, and to understand women is to improve communication skills and to learn how to become active listeners in all situations.

Fifth, listening is very important because it is a key to communication. How come listening is a very important key to good communication skills? The answer is that when a message is relayed or an oral exchanged takes place, it's very important to understand what is being said at all times.

If someone is telling me something, I am supposed to listen with my ears the message and if necessary tell them what they have said; so that I can fully comprehend the message.


I know in my case, I would write all of my notes on paper and clipboard so that I can fully understand what is being expressed to me personally.





Expression is the next because it takes a very good communicator to send a great message. When it comes to listening and communication skills, it is very important to eliminate all of the distractions that are in your way in order to understand what is being expressed.



When it comes to women, men really need to turn the television off and look directly at women while they are speaking to them. Men and little boys are guilty at times of trying to tune women out. How come this happen on a daily basis, this is because men and boys tend to become obtuse and reluctant to listening at certain times at women. Men and boys usually think they are superior to their female counterparts.


Sixth, how do we really learn how to talk, listen, and understand women? The answer is by learning how to pay attention to what is right in front of you. At least mankind is supposed be allowed and be entitled to their freedom of speech.

Listening is very easy for some and difficult for others. Why is this problem for others? This is because of the breakdown in communication that had taken place prior to full communication itself.


 This is caused by a lack of understanding of people as a member of the human race. Understanding others come from spending time with members of your own family. This begins by understanding your own family dynamics as well as yourself as a person. Understanding of a woman is very easy.

This starts off by acknowledging the person who had brought you into this world first. This is God and your own mother. When a man learns to respect his own mother, grandmother, aunt, or elders that are women, then he learns to respect women as a full member of the human race.


 When a man is around women, he is not supposed to use vulgarity and coarse language on a regular basis. When this happens, it breaks communications down and it makes things very difficult for men to relate well with women.


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