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Data Thieves

Data Thieves

What are data thieves? Let’s start off by revealing the definition of a data thief.  First, the definition of data is raw facts and numbers; whereas a thief is a man, woman, or child that takes something that does not belong to them.  To put it all together, a data thief is a man, woman, or child that illegally retrieves and steals personal data from innocent people.  When it comes to certain data thieves, especially on Moco Space, Face Book, Yahoo, and MySpace dotcommed websites, the thieves usually start off by leaving instant messages to others while they are online.  It starts off subtle or innocent.  There are people who are online for example, on their Moco Space homepage; suddenly they receive an instant message from a friend or stranger.  The instant message starts off by saying “How are U?”, or hello.  It is your choice to whether to reply or decline the instant message.  Most people like me have a lot of friends on Moco Space, Face Book, Yahoo, and MySpace.  

Next, the message that you type into the small square box is revealed to everyone in the entire world.  The reason why is because your privacy and confidentiality has been deprived from you.  Data Thieves on the other hand collect sensitive information, such as social security numbers, names, addresses, bank account information, and anything that has an account on it.  Anything that has an account on it especially in your name, data thieves retrieve it and use it as their own.  The best way to resolve this issue with data thieves is by establishing a private account consisting of your friends online and no one else.  However, the data thieves are so savvy and computer smart because right now, what they are doing is retrieving your picture from your private account and name and placing it into a database that you are not aware of.  These data thieves are classified as online voyeurs.  They use web cameras, computers, fax machines, scammers, printers, laptops, I-Pads, and Smart phones just to retain your information.

In addition to all of this, data thieves are using chat rooms a whole lot.  Some of these chat rooms are unknown to an average person.  This is because there are international accounts as well as accounts in other countries.  For example, I have a Yahoo account in Japanese.  I really did not know that I can translate Japanese language and the symbols are a giveaway.  Each symbol has a message or a sentence.  Each language can be translated and understood by average American Citizens.  It is not really hard.  The Data Thieves that are on Moco Space are located worldwide.  Most of the thieves of this magnitude are located overseas.  The only thing that a person need to do is only ignore the instant messages and the instant messages will eventually go away.  Most of the instant messages come from other men who are online who are located in the United States.  However, an average person’s account can be hacked and safe cracked.

Further, the data thieves that are online period will display your information to everyone that is online without your common knowledge.  If a person is logged off their account, and if your information is still revealed to others, then your account is hacked by data thieves that are using a chat room in an unknown location.  The only thing that a person can do at that time is close their accounts and open up another account.  It is best to inform the Information Technology Department and Help Desk at the website that you are using so that you will be able to make a report.  By filing a cyber-crimes report, you will be able to report the incident and location of the online incident.

Finally, always remember to examine your information on your homepage to determine whether there are any changes that you are not familiar with.  For example, if a person added their name or anything to your homepage.  The e-cards from your friends are well understood.  However, if a person sends anything such as e-cards or messages that are derogatory in nature, this means that you are talking to a data thief.  If there are too many acronyms in one sentence, then you are talking to your friends or a computer hacker.  This is very serious because I have had questions on my account because there I have a whole lot of friends and the computer hackers, scammers, and data thieves take full advantage of it.  It is best to check with your friends to see if they have sent you a message first before jumping to conclusions.  One thing that people do not want to do is jump to conclusions.  Always stay calm and relaxed when it comes to these kinds of situations when it comes to data thieves, computer hackers, and scammers.  Always remember that you have the power over your account and personal information.  Be really careful and stay strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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