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Water Sign 💧

Your Results Are In And Here Is What They Reveal! 

Your Magickal Type Is:

Find Out How You Can Start Using Your Inborn Abilities With WATER MAGICK To Supercharge Your Life Now!...

Date: April 29, 2024

FROM: Ric & Liz

RE: How To Tap Into Your Natural

 Abilities In The Realm Of  Water Magick

Dear One,

Okay this is very exciting.

Your quiz results reveal you have very strong abilities in the realm of Water Magick…

...which you haven’t even BEGUN to tap into and use yet! (But you’re about to ;-)

Now, in case you’re in any doubt whatsoever that you “really” could have magickal abilities...or that they even exist at all...

Listen closely. I’m going to ask you a few questions, okay? Here we go...

Have you ever gotten “funny feelings” about things, and then they ended up coming true?

Have you ever thought about someone, and thought you should reach out to them, and then instead, they reached out to you?

Have you noticed that you seem to be able to influence what happens to you (or other people) just by thinking about it?

Do you feel drawn to the natural world, to connect to the elements outdoors, and notice things about the sky or clouds that other people don’t (in fact they seem more into watching netflix indoors than experiencing nature)?

If so, then you should be very, very excited right about now (maybe even feeling goosebumps) because what all this means is...

You’ve ALWAYS Had Magickal Abilities...But Until Now, You’ve Never Really Known How to USE Them!

Don’t feel bad...I mean, today’s society doesn’t really “encourage” any of us to discover what our inborn magickal abilities might be, does it?

In fact, I’m sure you could relate if I said that all your life, you’ve been DIScouraged from thinking that your dreams...your visions...intuition...mean anything at all.

All those things are just a part of your “imagination” and not connected to the “real” world at all, right?

Well, “they” could not have been more wrong.

Magick DOES exist...not just around us, held in the elemental spirits of the Natural World around us...but INSIDE all of us, as well.

But until you discover and unlock what YOUR Natural Magick Type is (connected to the elements around you), you simply don’t have the knowledge you need to “believe and achieve” using your true abilities!

So guess what.

If you’ve been trying to work on improving things in your life...such as your financial situation, your home and family life, your romantic prospects, or even developing your spiritual side and finding your life purpose... I have some very good news.

You’ve been seriously handicapped so far.

Because you haven’t even been USING your innate, inborn, natural abilities (maybe didn’t even know you had them).

And that’s why everything you’ve been “trying” to do to change your situation hasn’t been working!

This is why meditating, taking practical steps to address problems, and even using workshops and courses that apparently work for other people, never really seem to work (at least not in the long run) ...for you.

But all that is about to change.


Up to now, you’ve been going about all this WITHOUT using your single most powerful inborn trait and ability. Well, not anymore! Because...

You Are About To Discover The Simplest And Fastest Way Possible To Tap Into Your WATER MAGICK Abilities !

“So… Okay,” you might be thinking now… “So I have these Magickal abilities, and I haven’t really been able to use them (at least not consciously) till now...but how can I? I don’t have any idea how to get started...”

Here’s the good news. It’s actually much easier than you might think to tap into and command your Water Magick abilities…AND direct them to influence any area of your life you wish - starting today!

REMEMBER the area of your life you said you most wanted to improve using Practical Magick right now?...

Well, now’s your chance. Because if you’re quick, you can activate your Water Magickal Abilities with...


Your Natural Magick How-to Handbook is here, just waiting for you to dive into it and quickly learn how to use your WATER Element to influence and take powerful, true control of your life…
(Digital Version so it's good for the environment!)

Whether you want to: 

 Locate and find lasting love with your soul mate


 Discover financial windfalls you didn't know were there


 Create the strong home and family relationships you desire


 Finally discover your true purpose through spiritual practice


 And learn to use your newfound magickal abilities for anything you desire!

“The Book Of Water Magic” was specifically designed and written to lead you step-by-step through activating and accessing your natural, inborn traits and abilities tied to the Natural Magick inherent in the element of Water.

However, knowing what we know about the powerful potential of working in this element, simply providing you with the way to learn about and tap into the secret ancient knowledge recorded in this handbook, was not quite enough for us.
In addition, we thought:

If you’re going to activate your ability to use your Water Magick...wouldn’t it be a natural next step to ALSO be able to learn the RITUALS & SPELLS of all the Magickal Elements, so that you can use the energy and wisdom of each of them in your life, too...?

The answer is YES, that would be amazing! 

This is why we have created a special bundle deal for you today, so you will ultimately be able to master not just your Water Magick, but also the powers of all four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water hidden inside your...
(Digital Version so it's good for the environment!)
ELEMENTAL ACTIVATION: Rituals & Spells To Unlock The Power Of The Magickal Elements!

This complete collection will make it easy and fun for you to learn (and even use) traditional Rituals, Spells, and Symbols related to each of the 4 Elements of Nature.
And, don’t worry - NONE of the spells or rituals in this collection are created or intended to cause harm - ONLY positive results centered on creation, love, peace, beauty, wellbeing and healing…

So you can rest assured all your spellwork is going to do “good” in the world, for others and for you, never “bad!” (Not all ritual and spell books can claim that, believe us! We checked ;-)

We want you to feel safe, as well as powerful!

This is exactly why we created this COMPLETE Praktical Magick KIT for you to go in and tap into your Water Magick abilities, and “supercharge your life,” using the four essential elements found in Nature! Introducing

The Praktical Magick Package: So You Can Easily Master All 4 Elements (Including Water) In Just A Few Days...With 3 Simple Steps!

(Digital Version so it's good for the environment!)
STEP ONE: Read Your “Book Of Water Magick”
and see why you’ve had these special abilities since the day you were born, and how you can finally start using them to create the life of your dreams! Use your newfound powers to influence and improve your Financial Freedom, Romantic Prospects, relationships with Family and Friends, and Spiritual Life.
(Digital Version so it's good for the environment!)
STEP TWO: Use Your “Elemental Activation Rituals & Spells”
and begin to apply what you’ve learned as real, “Praktical Magic” that can have actual, visible, lasting effects on your life, including greater peace, hope, health and wellbeing...that will affect not just you but the world around you too!
PLUS: Get a Chance To Try Out The “Cosmic Energy Banks” For FREE!  
These secret Energy Banks are actually charged up by Certified Reiki Masters, and hold energy that you can tap into to enhance and increase your magickal power anytime, day or night (yes even midnight! ;-) around the clock. 
Here’s how it works.

Certain images that humans have created (by tapping into the Cosmic Energy Field) carry an energetic charge, similar to a battery that has been “powered up” by an unseen force...but only a few people on the planet know how to interpret and access the healing force from these “encoded” images from the Cosmos.

Meet Reiki Master Tony

There is one “Master Reader” (that we know personally) who is able to understand and tap into the cosmic chakra healing powers to encode certain images…

And he has created an amazing way for you to tap into the Reiki energy of the Cosmos anytime you need it… through two special “Banks” of images, each one accompanied by specific instructions and healing sessions that go with them...

Including two Energy Banks that will be absolutely perfect for you, because they are focused on Magickal Money Energy and Magickal Protection Energy!

But that’s not all - there are a total of NINETEEN Cosmic Energy Banks for different focuses and purposes that you will also be able to tap no additional cost! 
HOWEVER that is not the only type of cleansing and healing energy that you will be able to access once you are a member - because there are a total of THIRTEEN Cosmic Energy Banks for different focuses and purposes that you will also be able to tap no additional cost! 

The Thirteen Energy Banks that are stored and charged up for your use include

What this means is, once you've accessed the main Cosmic Energy Bank Portal, any time you feel the need for a cleansing or re-charging…

You can go in and choose which Energy Bank will best suit your needs at that moment, open it up, and TAP IN, instantly!

PLEASE NOTE: There is nowhere else on Earth you can get this kind of access to the Cosmic Energy Bank, because we had this work commissioned specifically for us by Master Tony and other spiritual masters and professional healers.

So What Does It Cost To Get The Complete Praktical Magick Kit (Including My Water Magick Book) AND Become A Member Of The Cosmic Energy Bank?

We want everyone who wants to access and master their true Magickal abilities to be able to, anytime and anywhere, regardless of income...

So here’s what we are going to do today.

Because you took our Praktical Magick Quiz today, we won’t charge you the full price for the whole kit, including ALL 3 magickal components…

In fact, we won’t even charge you the full price for just ONE of them! Nope. Here’s what we’re going to do (for a limited time only).

IF you press the button below, and secure your Praktical Magick Package today before you leave this page…
You will get: 
The Book Of Water Magick: Your Natural Magick How-To Handbook so you can dive in any time you wish and soak up the secret knowledge of how YOUR specific Magickal Ability works and how to activate and start using it.

Elemental Activation: Rituals & Spells To Unlock The Power Of The Magickal Elements to combine with your new knowledge, so you can actually apply your Magickal Abilities to their greatest potential. Pull out your “secret spellbook” anytime you want to make some magic happen in your life!

AND, because you unlocked our one-time-only Magickal Timed Bonus today…

You’ll ALSO get the OTHER THREE Books Of Elemental Magick: Fire, Earth, & Air Magick - so you can explore how to tap in and try your hand at using the other 3 Elements, too, once you’ve mastered your Water Magick Abilities!

PLEASE NOTE you only have a limited window of time to get the other three books included (at no additional charge) though - you MUST place your order before the timer below runs out!…
PLUS if you so choose, you can get a 7 Day Free Trial to the Cosmic Energy Banks so you can go in and tap into our amazing vaults of Stored Magickal Power created for you by our Reiki Masters, any time you wish, around the clock.
And all this won’t cost $200…$100...or even the bare minimum we should normally charge, $75 for this package. In fact, if you can place your order today, before you close this page, you can get everything (even the Spells & Rituals), to access immediately as soon as your order is complete...

All for under $40! Simply choose the package of your choice below, and we will send you instant access to everything (including all 4 Magick Books if you order before 11:11 tonight!)…whether you choose the Basic or Complete Praktical Magick Package:

Praktical Magick Basic Package

Includes All 4 Elemental Magick Books & Ritual Spell Kit


Praktical Magick Full Membership Package

Includes All 4 Elemental Magick Books, Ritual Spell Kit & Cosmic Energy Banks


Simply press the button of your choice above and you’ll get your full Praktical Magick Kit including all 4 Elemental Magick Books, and all Magickal Rituals & Spells...for the price you choose above (Complete package subscription to continue at $19.97/month ONLY if you decide to keep your Energy Bank membership).
If you can order this package TODAY before the timer runs out, we will send you everything at a fraction of the cost it would normally be (if you were to purchase everything separately) AND you will be able to access it without experiencing any delays…
So please...don’t miss out! Order now just by clicking one of the buttons above and then check your inbox for your membership and full package access links so you can get started on this new phase of your life today. 
We can’t wait for you to see how quickly things start changing for you once you’ve activated your true Elemental Abilities! 

Liz & Ric Thompson

Co-Creators of CosmicVibes & The Praktical Magick Quiz 

Much love and light,

Praktical Magick Basic Package

Includes All 4 Elemental Magick Books & Ritual Spell Kit


Praktical Magick Full Membership Package

Includes All 4 Elemental Magick Books, Ritual Spell Kit & Cosmic Energy Banks


Simply press the button of your choice above and you’ll get your full Praktical Magick Kit including all 4 Elemental Magick Books, and all Magickal Rituals & Spells...for the price you choose above (Complete package subscription to continue at $19.97/month ONLY if you decide to keep your Energy Bank membership).
Copyright © The Cosmos 2023 is a Cosmic Operations Property.
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