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Sponsorship and The AA Fellowship

Good Day!! My name is Anthony H. and I am a grateful recovering alcoholic.  I would like to share my experience, strength, and hope regarding Sponsorship.  First of all, I would like to say that having a sponsor is the first and foremost when it comes to communication with other members.  For me personally, I was court ordered into the fellowship by the Dayton, Ohio Montgomery Common Pleas Courts simply because I committed drug related crimes.  I also had a mental illness as well.  To be honest with all of you, having a sponsor is a person who is capable of assisting me and giving me advice; while in the program.  I know that my very first sponsor and I got into a fist fight because he was too demanding.  He really did not know how to be a sponsor and he got mad at me because I was in the streets too much for him.  Even though, I had completed the 12 Steps, I was a person who was a follower of the streets.  I was transitioning out of the street gang culture, and it was very hard at first, but I had to take care of myself and my own family.  Sponsors are people who are experienced in the AA Program.  I will admit that I am a Sponsor myself and the people who I am sponsoring are involved in street gangs.  There are 3 of them who had recently relapsed and I told them that I will be there for them after they are released from treatment.  I had advised and suggested to the men to attend meetings on a daily basis.  I also told these men that they have to avoid having a sexual relationship for one year.  They had to abstain from having a relationship with a woman.  These men had to get themselves together first and foremost.  I help them with things that pertain to Alcoholics Anonymous.  My suggestion to a newcomer in the Fellowship is to attend 90 meetings in 90 days, read the 164 pages of the AA Book.  I also tell newcomers to also call me if they are interested in me as a sponsor.  I also tell newcomers that they will have to establish a relationship with a Higher Power or God.  My objective as a sponsor is to help each person and myself to get through the 12 Steps.  I can only advise and suggest to another fellow alcoholic.  I cannot tell them what to do.  I can show them a better way of life that is much better than drinking and getting high.  My name is Anthony H. from Dayton, Ohio and I am a grateful recovering alcoholic.  My topic is Sponsorship.  My sobriety date is May 2, 1990.Thanks for allowing me to share.


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