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Online Scammers and Computer Hackers

Online Scamming and Human Behavior

Online scamming and human behavior is a very serious problem. The definition of online scamming is when a criminal who is online and takes advantage of another person with the use of a computer, cell phone, P.D.A., or telecommunications device. Online scamming has a lot to do with the use of money. Western Union and Money-gram are the best methods of receiving money from their victims. Banks such as Fifth-Third, Chase Manhattan, and Bank of America is examples of banks that receive Western Union Wire Funds transactions.

Further, over half of the online scammers who are online taking advantage of others are men. The online scammers themselves are men and women who are using email addresses, physical addresses, and telephone numbers that do not belong to them. These online scammers usually use cell phone numbers from other countries or other cities that are cloned and copied onto their own cell phone or their own personal computer. Over 80% of the victims who are online who are scammed are men who are on websites that are hacked and utilized by online scammers each day. The online scammers themselves are men who are using women's profiles on websites such as Yahoo, Black planet, Face book, MySpace, and Moco Space, and MySpace. Among the 80% of the victims who are scammed were using certain websites and were actively searching for a date or an online friend. For example, Blackplanet.Com has received the most complaints from their victims besides face book, MySpace, and Moco Space

Next, online scamming and human behavior are not intertwined. This is because this is classified as a crime that is in progress. This is a consumer fraud investigation. This is because mostly men who have been using women's profiles on social networking websites such are classified as cyber-criminals. These men use the websites for the sole purpose of perpetrating crimes such as wire fraud, forgery, identity theft, identity fraud, and computer hacking. There are over 100,000 social networking websites that mostly men are accusers of the crimes themselves. There are crimes such as romance scams that men and women are involved in each day. There is a crime that exists when it pertains to social networking websites. This crime is called a romance scam. Romance scams are up in the United States by as high as 70% within the past 10 years. The victims themselves do not realize until the last minute that they have been completely fooled by the online scammers.

Moreover, when it comes to human behavior; men and women are solely responsible for engaging in behaviors that are appropriate or inappropriate. Human behavior indicates that most of our human behavior is learned. 80% of our behavior is learned or is observed through the use of imitating it. This means that we learn our behavior by watching someone else do it.

The men who scammed me out of $16,977 dollars are responsible for meeting me on Black Planet.Com from July 21, 2007 until February 26, 2010. These men were responsible for meeting me online and using the profiles of women that they did not know. The profiles that they have used were from women on Black who are still living inside of the United States. They lied throughout the whole entire time. 

The men pretended to be from Accra, Ghana the whole entire time. Another thing that I have noticed is that my phone calls themselves came from phone numbers that were cloned and copied from the United States and other countries. From March 15, 2008 until February 26, 2010, the phone calls that I had received came from unavailable phone numbers or from Accra, Ghana. However, the crimes occurred in both Charlotte, NC and Dayton, Ohio. The men had pretended to be in Accra, Ghana but they were literally inside of the United States.
This is classified as a crime in progress because these suspects have not been apprehended. They operate out of 24 hour internet cafes inside of the United States. They are responsible for using women's profiles and the women who the profiles belong to are totally unaware of it. I lost a lot of money simply because of men that are dishonest and incapable of giving another person a chance at happiness. I rely on God and close friends that support me in spite of what I have went through. I am sharing my story because I do not want anyone else to get hurt by the use of romance scams and online scammers. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


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