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Online Relationships

Couples, Significant Others, and Online Relationships

This is a type of blog that make couples, significant others and anyone really think about being online.  First of all, it is cheating because anytime a person is online you really do not know exactly what they are doing or website they are on period.  For example, there are psychologists which indicate that if a person is spending too much time online, they are engaging in a relationship that is far different than anyone else.  If a person is online, they really should be spending time getting to know their spouse or significant other.  

In the Bible, it indicates when a man is married; he leaves his mother and father’s home and become one flesh with his own wife.  The same applies to women!! A woman or man who is involved in any relationship should not be online.  He is supposed to be spending quality time getting to know his/her significant other.  However, there are times when men and women tend to branch out and have their own set of friends; even if they are online.  I know if I was involved in a relationship with a female, I would not be online whatsoever.  I would be spending a great deal of time getting to know my significant other.  Men and women are supposed to respect each other at all times.  I know that there are times when a man or a woman is going to want some personal space.

Speaking of personal space, being online with friends or a significant other is very important.  However, when it comes to online activities, it can become habit forming just like using a drug.  If an online addiction is a problem for you, it is time to abstain from your online activities and become familiar with a God or a power that is greater than yourself.  There are times that young people between the ages of 18 to 40; most of these young people in this age group are seeking a lover or a permanent significant other.  In some cases, most of the profiles that are read by men when it pertains to women states that they are looking for a real man.  They are looking for some personal attention.  There are times when women in this age bracket tend to spend a great deal of time online conversing with men who they perceive to be nice looking or have collateral in their possession.

Next, when it comes to women and online relationships, they are online much longer than an average man.  When it comes to a relationship, if a woman is involved in a relationship, there are times that women have a variety of men to chat with on a regular basis.  Men, it is time to put a decent ring on a woman’s finger.  A man usually spends less than 3 years of getting to know an average female before they decide to get married.  It really does not make any sense at all to be online if you are involved in a relationship.  There are times that men and women tend to slip into the abyss when it comes to spending time online.  There are websites such as Face Book, Black Planet, Moco Space, Myspace, Tagged, and Yahoo.  There are over 1,000,000 websites each day that men and women tend to spend time on each day.  There is also Twitter!! To be really honest with you, men and women who are really involved in marriages or close relationships should avoid being online.  The reason why is because it can cause a great deal of problems.

Further, men and women tend to become very secretive and combative with their significant others when it comes to their online activities.  This is the main reason why it is very important for men and women who are involved in relationships to let their significant other or better half know that they are spending time online, and who they are online with each day.  There are times when a man and woman are going to want some privacy.  I know that spending time online is not a good way of getting some privacy.  This causes problems in relationships because men and women tend to be secretive and they will hide their online friends from their significant others.  This is very dangerous because men and women can cheat while they are online and this happens on a regular basis.  Men, women, significant others and online relationships was written because there are a lot of men and women who are involved in relationships with each other and they are online.  

Finally, this is a very serious problem worldwide when it comes to couples, significant others, and the internet.  It is not that the internet is the blame; it is the individual who is spending time online who is solely responsible.  This is also a very serious problem for those who are single because they cannot keep up with the demand of having so many online friends.  There are couples who enjoy having a lot of friends online and they accept it as a ritual or a tradition.  If a couple have friends online, it can cause a major distraction in their personal relationship because they are not spending enough time with each other.  This is okay by some couples, but it is not by others.


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