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Men, Women, Life, and Communication

Men, Women, & Communication

The differences between men & women when it comes to communication are that men are apt to resolve problems quickly and women are more prone to solutions through direct concessions. These concessions are done through compromise. It might take a while to come to a compromise with women. This is because some men cannot be trusted. Men tend to evade the truth by looking directly away from women when they are confronted. When women look at men directly inside of their eyes, this is an indication that a woman is looking for a man to tell her the truth. 
This is direct communication and it is face to face. I am the type of man who will look directly inside of anyone's face while I am talking to them. A woman of any type does not have to worry about me hiding anything from her. I am the type of person who will reveal anything to anyone at anytime. Some people who refuse to acknowledge the truth will become quarrel minded, and become confrontational. This is because they are afraid of being confronted about their own active issues. In a relationship, it is very important to reveal the truth to your spouse or significant other in a relationship of any type. 

If your relationship is one that pertains to cohabitation or a traditional marriage, then communication is very important. Men and women are supposed to learn how to listen and listen with the fullest intent of understanding the other person. I am a person who will take time out of my busy day to listen to the concerns of others. No matter what I am doing in my life, when it comes to a relationship, I know that good communication is the key to a successful relationship. Men must learn how to listen to women. Women must learn how to listen to men as well. Therefore, it is important to understand the other person. 

Men and women are totally different when it comes to communication. This is because women are more social than men in the first place. Women are more inclined to communicate for the sole purpose of establishing relationships and gaining a sense of a common ground. When this is established, then a woman will be content in her social awareness and she will gain a sense of trust with others as long as trust and understanding has been complete and established with that person that she is in contact with. Men on the other hand establish relationships differently. Men tend to establish relationships through communication with a specified purpose. This is not a competitive thing; it is about establishing contacts with the opposite sex to the point that it becomes a mission for him. 

Perhaps in some cases men just wanted to have a relationship without boundaries. A relationship without boundaries and limitations when it pertains to women is so shallow minded. I mean that men just want to try to do something to the point that it is like a lion searching for food. I am not saying that all men are like this. Their intentions and expectations change according to time. Women are intellectual beings!!!! Women who are intellectual beings will see right through a man’s plot to try to conquer her quickly that a man’s skin will curl up like a potato bug. 
This is because some men become target minded. What I mean by this is that men will only fulfill a quest to conquer women without establishing a commitment. Women want a sense of commitment with a man in the first place. I can understand this because this is what I want for myself with a real woman. I want to establish a commitment, but a legitimate friendship first. By establishing a friendship with a real woman, you are trying to understand her from the inside out. You are becoming honest in your efforts to have a relationship without violating her privacy. Women deserve respect to the utmost. 

Remember men of the world, a woman is not a piece of meat or a spoonful of sugar. They deserve love, honesty, dignity, respect, and they also need to be treated like decent human beings. They are our auxiliaries’ men okay!!! Remember it is a woman who brings life into the world but only through your assistance okay. You must learn how to treat them with respect. If you love and respect your own mother, then you will learn how to treat a real woman with respect. It is about love, truth, honesty, and respect when it comes to having a successful relationship. Always remember that good communication is the key to having a successful relationship. I am an advocate when it comes to the truth. 

The older you get the wiser and intelligent you become. This comes with maturity and experience. Experience is the best teacher!!!!!!!!!!! Learning how to listen to another person and respect that person as a member of the human race is very important. If you are a living soul, then you are blessed each day as a child of God. As a child of God, you must learn how to love, honor, cherish, respect and tell the truth to others.


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