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Life & Communication

Life and Communication

Life and Communication is very simple. What are we talking about here? Let's start off by asking ourselves a very important question. What is life and how it relates to communication? Life is what you really make of things while you are living in the present. Life is your existence that you possess. The air that you breathe as well as flesh that you have. Communication is the language that you speak consisting of dialects as well as methods of words that one use to speak. Your voice that comes from your mouth is used as a means of communication itself.

Life and Communication are intertwined. They are go hand in hand. A communication and human relationship is used when men, women, and children share experiences about their lives to each other that make sense. Men, women, and children speak to each other as a means of sending and delivering messages to one another. When it pertains to this subject, our lives are shaped by the way we conduct ourselves others. It is our personality, disposition, and characteristics that we have that makes others either like or dislike you as a person. Life and Communication is not always easy. It is how you live your life that makes you successful inside of your environment or more apt towards failures.

 It is not always easy to think that you can obtain everything all in one day. 
You will not obtain all that you need in one day. These things take time. All of these things that people who are possessive tend to hold onto their possessions and past will slowly lose it quickly. When one is possessive, they tend to become selfish in their own way. Men have a tendency to become this way especially when they want control and they are afraid of losing something that was already obtained. Men and women share these characteristics when it comes to possessiveness. Women on the other hand, tend to become possessive when it pertains to resources and finances. When it comes to material things, at least some of them, women are apprehensive of losing them very suddenly. 

There are some who are reluctant to change their names when they are married. Marriage is not the end of the world ladies. It is a lifetime commitment between your spouse and significant other. Cohabitation on the other hand is a trial period in a relationship between a man and a woman. It is a feeling out process and an evaluation of one another in a relationship. This is done by direct and indirect observation. This is also a decision making process to determine if a man or a woman will be willing to share the rest of their lives with the person that they are living with.
Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with the person that you are cohabitating with? This is a very good question for men and women to ask each other while they are involved in their relationships. Traditional marriage is very serious. This is a lifelong decision that sometimes leads to hardship if a person makes a bad decision while they are cohabitating with their spouse or significant other. All couples will have some good and bad times. It is how you make the best of things through those good and bad times.

Life and Communication is splendid if you have the basis already established beforehand. You will have to examine all of your own resources first before you are able to get involved in any relationship with another person. It also starts off by being honest with each other from the onset. Telling the truth about yourself to another person is a good way of establishing better communication skills with that person that you are willing to share your life with. Always remember that deception inside of a relationship leads to failure. A relationship without trust and honesty from the very beginning leads to trouble.

Men and women must always share the truth to each other no matter what happens in their relationships with each other. Life and Communication also pertains to complete families. This is also shared with children so that they will have a basis to follow in their adult life. When children understand certain concepts about telling the truth and not hiding from others, this will help them to improve in their communication skills with others. Children who are productive and honest have successful lives. This comes from being involved in a healthy family who has healthy relationships. 
This comes from learning how to speak to each other in pleasant ways. This also comes from learning how to become honest and truthful. Conflict of Interest comes from those who tend to deny or refuse the existence of others. This comes from anyone who has children or relationships with others and denies it from the very start. A conflict of interest can also come from an interest that is taken out of context. This pertains to businesses and partnerships that are established by others who make agreements and do not keep them. A technicality is something that is meaningful and relevant only in principle.


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