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False Profiles

Men and Women who have False Profiles Online and Additional Profiles Online

How come men and women have false profiles or additional profiles? Maybe they have something to hide! It does not make any sense for anyone to have additional profiles online.  I have also notice on websites such as Face Book, Yahoo, Black Planet, Tagged, Moco Space, and Migente that; there are people who have false profiles.  This profile is called a clone.  A clone is when someone is online for the wrong purposes.  They are online taking advantage of others.  If people have a clone profile, this means that the information is false.  In my case, I have noticed during the time that I got scammed, the online profiles of one of the women who scammed me out of money was a fake.  It turned out that this young lady has two profiles with her picture on it.  The first one is a fake and the other is also questionable.  When people have additional profiles, they are on the verge of cancelling their original online profile.  In some cases, it leads to a great deal of confusion for other people; especially if they are trying to get in contact with them.

I have also notice children who are lie about their real age online just to obtain an online account.  Why tell a lie when you do not have to? It does not make any sense for anyone who is under the age of 18 to observe anything that is distasteful online.  For example, when it comes to Moco Space, MySpace, Face Book, Tagged, Black Planet, and Migente, adults’ women have a tendency to take pictures while wearing their underwear.  Children are exposed to so much online that it causes them to learn about the behavior that they see and hear on a daily basis.  This is a major problem because I would not want my children online on any adult website until they are at least 21 years old.  

When it comes to having a false profile, computer hackers, scammers, and data thieves use these fake profiles to communicate with victims of wire fraud, identity theft, identity fraud, robbery, and credit card fraud.  The victims themselves do not know that the profiles are clones and fake at first.  They usually go right along with the scheme from hackers, scammers, and data thieves.  Most of the profiles that are hacked online are from women, and they do not have a clue that they have been hacked.  Women do not spend a long time online as much as a man. A man will stay online for at least an average of 8 to 10 hours per day. 

 A woman who is online will spend much less time online because of obligations at home or etc.  A woman is usually a victim of identity theft and fraud.  The reason why is because of her looks, style, and occupation.  Why do men and women have false profiles online?  The answer is simple.  They refuse to reveal enough of themselves to others.  Men and women usually have false profiles for many other reasons. One of those reasons is that they are trying to devise an evil scheme against someone who is innocent and does not know too much about being online.

 Data Thieves usually extract information from specific non secure websites for their own personal gain.  For instance, if someone is applying for a job, or a credit card online, there is a likelihood that data thieves and hackers are online waiting for anyone to type in their information on the computer.  Most of the information is extracted from laptop computers and wireless devises. 
When it comes to someone possessing a false profile, it is a trap.  The more computer hits and visits a person with the false profile receives the happier they are personally.  Most women with children are using their children’s information online just to obtain information and things.  Men and women who have false information online are making complete fools out of themselves.


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