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A Child of God

What does it mean to be a Child of God?

What does it means to be a Child of God. The answer to this illustrious question is it is one fantastic feeling. When a person is a Child of the Living God, this means that we are His children and when He communicates to us, we are supposed to listen. A child of the Living God is one who is supposed to share the Good News with everyone all of the time. A person that is a Child of the Living God is supposed to win others to Christ and bring them to a place where they have never been before. The spirit of God is inside of us all of the time. We are not supposed to get it confused with other spirits because there are other spirits that can enter inside of a human being without notice.

There are other spirits that dwells inside of an average living person and it alters their personality. It changes their overall behavior for the worse in most cases. This is definitely not easy to deal with because God gives us a choice to either follow Him or choose the world. The world itself is a very complex place to live right now because everything is changing each and every single day. Life itself is not very easy, but as long as you are a Child of the Living God, you do not have anything to worry about. A child of the Living God is a person who possesses a clean attitude. This is also a person who reads the Living Word of God all of the time and definitely lives by it. The principles that a person lives by are those that are definitely positive.

Romans 8:16 says The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. This means that God’s Spirit is inside of us and we are His children. God’s Spirit bears witness with our spirit and it is united with our spirit because He knows that we cannot give life to ourselves. Romans 8:17 also states that if we are children of the Living God, we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. If indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. We are His Children and we have to get accustomed to it. I am talking about God and Jesus Christ. I am proud to be a child of the Living God. I am not afraid to share my experience strength and hope with anyone; especially when it comes to acknowledging about what God has done for me in my personal life. There are things that I really do not like and I am not afraid to admit that I am a person who does not like law enforcement at this moment.

This is simply because I have to appear in court for the 4th time about the same stupid mess that has transpired 16 months ago. I also have an aversion when it comes to the court system. This is because I have been oppressed by the Probate Courts in Montgomery County Dayton, Ohio as well as other agencies that are affiliated by the courts because of this case. I have not done anything serious but made a prayer request to a specific church and the church called the police on me.

This is simply because the church thought that I was communicating a threat. If this was the case, I would have been incarcerated inside of prison rather than serve 60 days inside of a psychiatric hospital for the offense. There are a lot of other things that does not make any sense when it comes to this case. I have to have a case manager with me each and every single day with me 24 hours per day. This is Modern Day Servitude. This is servitude because I do not need anyone traveling with me and having me under direct surveillance all of the time. To be perfectly honest, I have been under direct surveillance for 16 months right now.

This is the reason why I feel as if I am an outcast in the United States of America. It is a shame. I am still a Child of the Living God. No matter what happens to me; when I appear in court next week, I am still a child of the Living God. I might feel very upset and disappointed about what I have done. God has forgiven me for what I have done, but man has not. I should also say the courts. I really feel furious right now because I am being treated like a slave and it makes an average person very angry about it. I really did not realize that Probate Court at the time that it is a complete thorn in the flesh.

To be perfectly honest, I have not done anything bad to anyone but myself. I really feel as if I am condemned as soon as I walk the streets anywhere in the United States. I am a child of the Living God still and God is watching me and still respects me for the person that I am. Man might not respect me as a person, but I know that God is a life changer. He is also a doctor, and everything else. He also hears all of my prayers. I know that I have a very long way to go when it comes to dealing with things, but I have God on my side all of the time. God accepts me for who I am as a person in spite of man say and how men actually feel about me. Psalms 4:4 says be angry and do not sin, meditate your heart upon your bed and be still.


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