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Personal Observations

Good Day Everyone! How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  My name is Anthony and I am a grateful recovering alcoholic.  I want to inform all of you that my sobriety date is January 2, 2001.  I would like to add this to my records because I really didn't know that taking a small sip of wine, had caused me to have a relapse in my personal recovery.  I guess it is officially time for me to be more transparent.

Otherwise, I am still clean and sober still. I would like to mention that I am feeling much better than usual.  I just wanted to set the record straight regarding my recovery.  I am living in the solution more than the problem itself.  It is best for me to allow God to help me with dealing with a personal crisis in my life right now.  I would like to say that I am focusing on my recovery more and try to improve my relationship with other people.

Next, I want to learn how to be more patient with myself.  Step #6 says that we are asking God to remove all of my defects of character.  This means that I am allowing God to help me with this step in my recovery.  You know one thing, I am able to allow God to fully direct my life.  I have a whole lot on my mind right now.  I am okay with being myself.  God has really taught me how to stay focused and become more specific about life itself

Moreover, I would like to wish everyone a prosperous New Year 2024.  I am feeling as if, the entire world is on my shoulders.  Meaning that, I have to learn how to officially cast all my cares to God.  I am more optimistic than ever before.  I am more relaxed than ever before.  God has already given me an opportunity to serve Him.  I would like to admit that God is watching over me.  One thing that I have learned is that my personal feelings and sins have been resolved by God only.  Man himself remains skeptical about me.

Finally, I have already forgiven all of my adversaries that are in my life right now.  There are others, who have a hardened heart.  I pray for God's Creation each day of my life right now.  I cannot tell man to forgive me of my transgressions.  They should already know what I am going through each day.  Forgiveness is a choice that we must make for ourselves and other people.  I would like to end this by making a final observation.  God has given me a better direction in my life right now.

In Conclusion, I would like for all of you to continue to pray for me.  Love itself is what I already have inside of my heart.  I have learned how to allow people to be themselves.  I have learned the same thing. I see that there are those people who want more dominion than others.  I have learned how to how to be more content with myself with God's help. God has wiped away my years for me and have collected them for His Book of Life.   God is examined our behavior just to make sure that we are feasible for His Kingdom.  I also realize that we must bear our own load in life.  May the Lord God continue to save you and shape your behavior.


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