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Commentary on Proverbs 10:9

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Proverbs 10:9 says: The Man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.  This means that a man who walks in confidence is more secure than those who are deceptive.  In my case, I will admit that my walk with God was questionable.  I am finding out that a pack of wolves have been pursuing me, and hindering my progress.  This means that everyone who calls themselves an organized criminal have pursued me for 14 years now.

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Next, I want to say that those whose paths are crooked have already been revealed to me by God Himself.  Thank you Jesus for protecting me and my family members and friends.  This also includes the residents at Wentworth Hi Rise Apartments located in Dayton, Ohio.  I know that I have walked a straight path because You are protecting me from all harm and danger.  You have alleviated all of my sicknesses throughout my entire life. I realize that I have only been officially sick physically mentally psychologically and emotionally for over two years now.  This is a Bible verse that makes you think about your own life right now.  This is a time for reflection.

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Moreover, I am a human being who has a 102 IQ.  What is your IQ right now?  This Bible verse gives me an opportunity to live for You.  My personal walk with you was crooked at first.  I was only living according to the patterns of this world.  I will admit that I am a leader instead of a follower right now.  I have had some members of the elite culture to try to put stumbling blocks in my way.  The members of the elite know me very well.  There is also a group of people who are hindering my progress online and in my personal life right now.  It is better for me to be truthful about this Bible verse and in my personal life.  Some would say that Honesty is the best policy.  Some people tend to question this as well as God's Authority.  I wouldn't do that if I were you.  God is watching over me and everyone else in this world.

Further, I have had individuals who are responsible for using my accounts.  You know who you are.  You must reap what you sow.  I might be going off on a tangent right now, but I have to reveal all of the parties who were involved in my court case.  I will not disclose your names because we are are under a Gag Order from the court system of Montgomery County in Dayton, Ohio.  I have to keep this information to myself.  I know that there are people who are trying to force your hand.  I have to say that this Bible verse means business.

Finally, I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year and a very successful 2024.  Whoever is hacking my accounts, you have been revealed.  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change.  Please give me the courage to change the things that I can, and give me the wisdom to know the difference.  Amen!


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