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What are Generational Curses Revised Version

What Are Generational Curses?

By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins February 1, 2020

A generational curse is basically a defilement that was passed down from one generation to another. For example, if your mother has been heavily involved in the occult, then she has become quite defiled (polluted or unclean), and has opened herself up to various demons to enter her. The Bible tells us that the sin of the parents can cause that same pollution to be handed down to their children:

Lamentations 5:7, "Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities."

What happens is that not only is the uncleanliness handed down, but demons move right in and take advantage of this often at a very young age in a person's life (often before birth). The person then goes throughout life struggling with the same bondages that their parents struggle with. The good news is that the Blood of Jesus is more powerful than any bondage that may have been handed down to you! You can be set free and completely released from the effects of any generational curses handed down to you!

If you struggle with the same bondages as your parents, or see siblings with the same problems, then it is quite possible that you are suffering from the effects of a generational curse. Many times when you see three generations suffering from depression...


It’s almost always a generational curse at work and a spirit of heaviness took advantage of those cures in each of their lives through the defilement that was passed down.  I believe generational sin curses (curses caused by sins of the forefathers) are automatically broken at the time a person receives salvation, but the unclean spirits that entered in before they accepted Jesus still need to come out.


Other generational curses such as encountered in Freemasonry, need to be renounced and broken in order to be set free from them. Once a curse is broken, the next step is to drive out the spirits that may have entered in because of that curse.

Finally, I am bringing this topic up simply because our society consists of breaking down family relationships, and immorality.  I have noticed that; the rich are getting richer, and the poor continue to suffer.  However, I want to inform everyone that generational curses consists of sexual immorality.  It also has a whole lot to do with the activities that are inside of families that deteriorate relationships.  


For example, if a mother or father have children by multiple sex partners.  To be perfectly frank with all of you, I want to inform all of you that anytime that: there is a lot of alcoholism and drug abuse inside of the families.  This means that parents are passing their bad habits to their children.  Another example, is when parents that have children by different people.  It really hurts because there are some children that are following their parent’s path in life.  In which, leads to family dysfunctionality.

 I know that there are children, who are following their parent’s paths in life.  Even though, there are success stories in a dysfunctional family.  For this reason, children are moving away from their family of origin.  There are so many children, who decide to pick up bad habits that their parents tend to have.  What kind of pattern that you are setting inside of your homes?  It varies in one way or another.  It really hurts me because I grew up in a family that was filled with generational curses. This is very serious because there are some parents who are teaching their own children how to use vulgar language.

Subsequently, the children are going to start doing the same things that their own parents are doing.  Another Example is men and women who have children by different mothers and fathers.  I am saying this because it is affecting my family personally.  I will admit that I used to purchase sex from females, who were prostitutes.  I was doing the same exact thing that my mother was doing.  My mother only had one child out of wedlock and that was me.  If you are involved in a serious relationship, and have children by one man or woman, please consider getting married because it says in the Holy Bible that it is better to marry than to burn with passion.  What does it mean to burn with passion?  Burning with passion is sexually desiring multiple sex partners without getting married.

In Addition, I want to say that I do not have any children right now.  I have not had sex in over 12 years now.  I have made a decision to remain celibate until I leave this earth.  I will admit that I have had my share of sex partners over the years.  It is time for everyone to settle down and get married.  If you really love someone, you will make the right decision.  I also will admit that it cost $300.00 dollars for 15 minutes of sex right now.  I am not having sex, so I don't have to spend a considerable amount of money on sex.  As far as masterbation is concerned, it is called waisting a seed for both men and women.  If you don't believe me, then read Leviticus and Deuteronomy in the Old Testament.  It states that if you are waisting a seed, then you are considered as unclean.  Even if you have sex with a woman, who is on her monthly period.  You will be considered as unclean.  Please be very careful with having sex with each other.  If you are going inside of a store that sells porn, that is a sin itself.  If you are looking at pornography and you are in a relationship, then you are sinning against God and you Spouse.  If you are going inside of a strip club, and you are in a relationship, then you are committing sin against God and your Spouse.  Please be safe and careful right now.  I will admit that I have made some bad choices in my personal life myself.  I am telling all of my family members and friends that I have been where you are going.  It is better safe than sorry!!


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