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Showing posts from November, 2022

First Corinthians 14:40

What does it mean to Do Things in Order?         Good Day Everyone!! I would like to start this essay off by asking one question.  What does it mean to do things in order? First, let’s obtain the definition of the word order.  The definition of the word order is the sequence of words in a sentence, especially as governed by grammatical rules and as affecting meaning.  Another definition of the word order has a lot to do with setting boundaries and limits when it comes to behavior.            Next, I want to add that order when it comes to the Bible has a lot to do with obeying God’s word.  I know that when a child is growing up, they learn how to do certain things from being around their parents.  For example, a child is supposed to listen to their parents, and others that are involved in their life.  As long as the guidance is conducted in a positive manner. When it comes to followin...

Jeremiah 16:17-18 Meaning and Interpretation of The Bible Verse

  Jeremiah 16:17-18, and What It Means for All People. By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins         Jeremiah 16:17 Says: For mine eyes are upon their ways: they are not hiding from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes.   This means that God even knows when we are sinning.   There are times when He will confront us in our face.   He will make things very difficult for you if you keep disrespecting Him.       There are times when I thought that God was not watching me sin, but He was recording it.   This is very serious because God can put an end to Mankind anytime He wants.   This is simply because of disobedience.   One of the reasons why God is angry is because of same sex marriages.   A man and a woman cannot marry the same sex.   It is inside of the Holy Bible.         Next, I want to inform all of you that man is not in charge ...

Proverbs 21:13 Meaning and Interpretation of The Bible Verse

  Proverbs 21:13: And What it Means to All of Us!       Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.   What this verse is saying what goes around comes around.   This is like a Karma statement.   Since this Bible verse is inside of the Bible, I am going to respect everything that comes inside of the Bible to become legal and binding.   To be honest with you, God is talking to all of us.   We must respect everyone and their circumstances.   One thing about God is that What He is saying is official.   I remember when I was a child, my friends used to torment me and beat me up for 9 straight years.   God knows who did it.   I know who did it.   I know that I really did not like to fist fight with people.   It is that I tried to get along with everyone.     I know that I am a sinner as well as a human being.   I know that this B...

1st Timothy 4th Chapter

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