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James and Galatians Are Working Hand in Hand in All of Our Lives


James 5:19-20, and what it means to Me Personally!!

     Good Day Everyone!!  How are you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I would like to talk about what James 5:19-20 means to all of us.

     The Bible Verse says: My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this:



Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins. 


This is exactly what I have been doing for my family members and friends.  I know that I am reading the Bible every single day of the week.


 I want to say that I am still a work that is in progress.  I know that I have been through a lot of stuff; within the past five years.  I know that my life have been filled with ups and downs.

     Anytime I am walking the streets, I am looking for someone to help.  I usually look for someone to assist me with a situation.  You see, I am a Networker.  I am the type of person who uses the power of negotiation to my advantage.

I really love to help people on a daily basis.  I do not look for anything in return.  I would prefer helping others.  I know that I am a beggar, seeking other beggars who need to eat bread.  As long as I can help other sinners and beggars to obtain bread is very important to me.  Like they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

    God has put me on earth to help other people, who are in need.  I know for myself that God wants me to be fruitful and multiply.

 However, I have decided to help other people by giving them money to purchase food instead of alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and wine.  I am clean and sober by the grace of God every single day.




Further, I want to say that; this is my calling at this time.  I know that I have to pay my rent and essentials for me to maintain a decent place to live.  I am a 57 year old man who have learned a lot of life lessons.  For example, I have used my experience, for life living to help people to get where they need to go.

        Moreover, I want to inform all of you that I am depended on God.  God is a Faithful God.  God is doing for me, more than I am doing for myself.  This is the truth.  I know that I am online typing this essay for everyone to read it.  Have you set your life on the side of God?


  I have considered my bathroom as my secret closet.  I know that I can talk to God every single day of the week.  I am a very honest and giving person.  I only want to make sure that everyone is happy.




In Addition, I want to say to those who need help to please contact me by using my email.  Please go to  Please seek me out because I am willing to help you.  My mother told me before she passed away that I am going to some great things for God.


Also, I am going to write an autobiography about my life because someone is in need of an anointing.  There are a lot of people who really need help financially, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically.  Without God’s Help, I am at no use!!  I am only flesh and blood myself.  I am waiting for my Spiritual Body. 

Jeremiah 10:23 says Oh Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself, it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.  This is official for me to help other people because I am seeking a good paying job.




 I owe $28,000 thousand dollars in student loan debts.  I attended school at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte for a short time.  As long as I want my life to be in God’s Presence in our lives.  I am very happy to become a Child of the Most High God.  I know that God Loves Me for the person that I am right now.

Finally, I want to inform all of you that I am helping everyone, who I am in contact with each day of the week.  I know that my life has changed for the better.  To pray without ceasing to maintain a constant and dependence upon God.



In Conclusion, I want to inform all of you that we are all World Changers.  I am letting all of you know that love is definitely here to stay.  I want to inform all of you that I am making mends with all of my persecutors.  I am depending on God to help me.



 My name is Anthony Hopkins and I am currently living in Dayton, Ohio.  I want to inform all of you that I have typed over 1,150 essays and blogs within a 13 year period.  I want to say that I am a graduate from the University of Toledo c/o 1993 and 1995 respectively.

I also have a total of 16 typed written essays that are copyrighted at the United States Copyright Office in Washington, DC.  I have been typing essays and journaling since 1985.  God Loves You All!!  I love you!!  I love you very much.


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