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What Does 1st Samuel 16:7 Really Mean in Contemporary Times?


What Does 1st Samuel 16:7 Really Mean in Contemporary Times?  By Anthony Joseph Hopkins August 31, 2022




   What does 1st Samuel 16:7 really mean in a contemporary society?  I want to say that God knows exactly who we all are because He created us.  I guess this Bible tells me that God is the only one who can judge mankind.  I say that because He made everything in His own image.  I know that When Samuel for looking for the next King of Israel, He was looking for someone who was compatible to God.  He was looking for someone who was God Fearing, and who was after God’s own heart.

       Next, God was looking at everyone to determine whether or not they would be suitable as King of Israel.  Honestly, God still does it because He wants to make sure that we are feasible for His Kingdom.  I know when I am writing this blog, I am being scrutinized by God Himself because He wants to make sure that I am worthy to become a member of His Kingdom.



        Further, I want to inform all of you that only man can look at the outside of the body of a person, and perhaps judge him according to his or her behavior.  The heart is very important because it tells God everything about you.  It even allows God to figure out if you are worthy to become a person who can marry a woman or man just to see if they are capable of treating the next person right.

        Also, when we are children, our parents can determine whether we are going to be a success or a failure.  To be honest with all of you, my parents knew whether or not I would be successful in life based on a test.  This test enables a child or an adult to go through a fixed course of action. 

        Subsequently, God will observe all of our works and see if we are in the Lambs Book of Life.  We are going to be judged according to how well we related with other people.  God is also going to look at to see what we have done for His Kingdom.  You know something, the things that we say out of our mouths can determine if we are worthy to join Jesus Christ someday.


        Moreover, I want all of you to know that; the money that we give to God determines if we are good stewards or not.  If we are robbing God with our tithes and offerings, then God will not accept us into his Kingdom.  We have to do things that are pleasing to God on a daily basis.

        Finally, a man or a woman can defile themselves according to their actions.  For example, if a man or a woman is having sex before marriage, this is called sexual immorality.  I have learned over the years to stay inside of separate houses until I get married to my wife.  There are times that Pastoral Counseling is necessary because there are differences in opinion or our actions towards others can make or break any engagement.


       In Summary, God knows exactly what we are going to do in advance.  He even knows how long we are going to live on earth.  I am doing my very best to stop sinning on a daily basis.  I know that I am going to make mistakes in life.  I will have to be quick to ask God for forgiveness.  I have to forgive other people and forgive myself.  I will admit that I have to learn how to forgive myself for all of the things that I had done; while inside of my body.

        In Conclusion, God knows all about me. God knew all of us while we were inside of our mother’s womb.  Jeremiah 1:5 says before you were born I knew you.  Before you were born I sanctified you and ordained you as a Prophet to the Nations. 

 My Name is Anthony Hopkins and I am from Dayton, Ohio.  I have been writing since April 1, 1991.  I have been writing essays and blogs for a number of years.  Please keep me in your prayers because I am scheduled to have eye surgery on September 6, 2022 at 3:00PM.  I have typed over 1,100 essays and Blogs on WordPress, Facebook, Penzu, and Blogger.  Thank you very much for reading my blog.


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