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What Does it Mean to be Called?


What Does It Mean To Be Called By God?


 When it comes to the New Testament, it specifically states that we are Temples of the Living God.  Our Bodies are the Temple of God.  I would like to express myself for a few moments.  I would like to say that I am a Born Again Christian.  I have totally submitted myself completely to His Will. 

CALL, v.t. Heb. To hold or restrain. In a general sense, to drive; to strain or force out sound. Hence,

1. To name; to denominate or give a name. And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. Gen. 1.

2. To convoke; to summon; to direct or order to meet; to assemble by order or public notice; often with together; as, the king called his council together; the president called together the congress.

3. To request to meet or come.

He sent his servants to call them that were bidden. Math. 22.

4. To invite.

Because I have called and ye refused. Prov. 1.

5. To invite or summon to come or be present; to invite, or collect.

Call all your senses to you.

6. To give notice to come by authority; to command to come; as, call a servant.

7. To proclaim; to name, or publish the name.

Nor parish clerk, who calls the psalm so clear.

8. To appoint or designate, as for an office, duty or employment.

See, I have called by name Bezaleel. Ex. 31.

Paul called to be an apostle. Rom. 1.

9. To invite; to warn; to exhort. Is. 22:12.

10. To invite or draw into union with Christ; to bring to know, believe and obey the gospel. Rev. 8:28

11. To own and acknowledge. Heb. 2:11.

12. To invoke or appeal to.

I call God for a record. 2 Cor. 1.

13. To esteem or account. Is. 47:5Mat. 3:15.

To call down, to invite, or to bring down.

To call back, to revoke, or retract; to recall; to summon or bring back.

To call for, to demand, require or claim, as a crime calls for punishment; or to cause to grow. Ezek. 36. Also, to speak for; to ask; to request; as, to call for a dinner.

To call in, to collect, as to call in debts or money; or to draw from circulation, as to call in clipped coin; or to summon together; to invite to come together; as, to call in neighbors or friends.

To call forth, to bring or summon to action; as, to call forth all the faculties of the mind.

To call off, to summon away; to divert; as, to call off the attention; to call off workmen from their employment.

To call up, to bring into view or recollection; as, to call u the image of a deceased friend; also, to bring into action, or discussion; as, to call up a bill before a legislative body.

To call over, to read a list, name by name; to recite separate particulars in order, as a roll of names.

To call out, to summon to fight; to challenge; also, to summon into service; as, to call out the militia.

To call to mind, to recollect; to revive in memory.

CALL, v.i.

1. To utter a loud sound, or to address by name; to utter the name; sometimes with to.

The angel of God called to Hagar. Gen. 21.

2. To stop, without intention of staying; to make a short stop; as, to call at the inn. This use Johnson supposes to have originated in the custom of denoting ones presence at the door by a call. It is common, in this phrase, to use at, as to call at the inn; or on, as to call on a friend. This application seems to be equivalent to speak, D. Kallen. Let us speak at this place.

To call on, to make a short visit to; also, to solicit payment, or make a demand of a debt. In a theological sense, to pray to or worship; as, to call on the name of the Lord. Gen. 4. To repeat solemnly.

To call out, to utter a loud voice; to bawl; a popular use of the phrase.

CALL, n.

1. A vocal address, of summons or invitation; as, he will not come at a call.

2. Demand; requisition; public claim; as, listen to the calls of justice or humanity.

3. Divine vocation, or summons; as the call of Abraham.

4. Invitation; request of a public body or society; as, a clergyman has a call to settle in the ministry.

5. A summons from heaven; impulse.

St. Paul believed he had a call, when he persecuted the Christians.

6. Authority; command.

7. A short visit; as, to make a call; to give one a call that is, a speaking to; D. Kallen. To give one a call, is to stop a moment and speak or say a word; or to have a short conversation with.

8. Vocation; employment. In this sense calling is generally used.

9. A naming; a nomination.

10. Among hunters, a lesson blown on the horn, to comfort the hounds.

11. Among seamen, a whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate, to summon the sailors to their duty.

12. The English name of the mineral called by the Germans tungsten or wolfram.

13. Among fowlers, the noise or cry of a fowl, or a pipe to call birds by imitating their voice.

14. In legislative bodies, the call of the house, is a calling over the names of the members, to discover who is absent or for other purpose; a calling of names with a view to obtain answers from the person named.



CALLED, pp. Invited; summoned; addressed; named; appointed; invoked; assembled by order; recited.


1. A naming, or inviting; a reading over or reciting in order, or a call of names with a view to obtain an answer, as in legislative bodies.

2. Vocation; profession; trade; usual occupation, or employment.

Pope. Swift. 1 Cor. 7:20

3. Class of persons engaged in any profession or employment.

4. Divine summons, vocation, or invitation.

Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure. 2 Pet. 1.


 I also will admit that I am sinful flesh, but I am still a Child of God.  I want to ask another question.  Matthew 22:14 states that for many are called, but a few are chosen.  What does this Bible verse mean?  I would like to receive both positive and negative feedback on this question.

        Next, I would like to continue pondering on this question about Matthew 22:14.  Do anyone know what does this Bible verse mean?  The answer to this question is that God has called all of us to do according to His Will.  I begin to realize that God still loves us for who we are as people.  He only wants us to repent of all of our sins.  He wants all of us to live for Him. 

 The Lord is slow to anger, and is abounding with grace.  I understand that the First 144,000 are going to be considered.

        Moreover, I want to inform everyone that we all still have a chance to be His chosen people.  When it comes to being called by God, it gives me an opportunity to live for him and serve Him.  This means that I must become Christ-like in my manner of living and completely change.  I have dedicated my life for Him by writing and sharing my personal testimony with others.  I am at the realization that I still have more to do for Him.  For Instance, I have to make amends with everyone that I have wronged in my personal life. 

        In Addition, I have to be willing to forgive every one of all of their trespasses.  I have to be willing to share His word with others.  I have to commune with the assembly of the Saints.  I have to dedicate myself to reading His word to everyone.  I have to have an intimate personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ.  Therefore, I want to say that my relationship with Jesus Christ is very important to me right now.  I want to inform everyone that I am willing and ready to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. 

        Further, I want to say that my favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 32:27 which states; behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?  God asked Jeremiah the Prophet this question in the Old Testament.  I want to say that my life has done a complete 180 degree turn because I do not have a desire for the things of the world.  I am ready to go back to work and earn a decent wage.  If the Lords Will, I will seek employment somewhere within the next 6 months.

        Finally, I want to say that I have given up the street life.  I have been clean and sober for 28 years right now.  My sobriety date is May 2, 1990.  I have given up the high cost of low living.  As it relates to the question at hand, I feel that I am ready to step up to the plate and become a real man.  I am ready to share the Gospel with everyone that I meet personally.  I also want to inform everyone that on February 15, 2015, I have rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.  I have been baptized on that day, and a total of 8 other times.  I am in the Lambs Book of Life right now, and I have a record of baptism in several churches.

        In Conclusion, I want to say that I am a Born Again Christian and I really feel that I am chosen by God to serve Him and share my personal testimony with everyone.  I am guilty of robbing God of my tithes and offerings.  I have to submit my income to God.  I am very sorry for placing emphasis on my household rather than giving to God.  Please pray for me because I have too many bills to pay in my household.  I have a student loan from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte that is in collections right now. 


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