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Galatians 5:19-23 And what it means to all People!!


Galatians 5:19-23: And What it Means to all People!! By Anthony Joseph Hopkins January 26, 2022

       The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.  I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. 


Next, I am going to focus on one thing, and this is witchcraft and sorcery.  There is an emphasis on looking at the horoscopes.  I want to inform all of you that this is witchcraft.  Yesterday, I wrote about 1sr Samuel 16:7 and what it means to all people.  I want to say that this is a sin.  Anytime that someone looks at their horoscope this is a sin.

 I also want to inform all of you that if someone consults with a psychic or a medium this is a person that consults with dead people.  There are people who consults with mediums and psychics in law enforcement.

         There are people who seek the assistance of a psychic or a medium just to look for lost relatives.  There are many people who do not know about the Bible and what it says about consulting with this group of people.  These groups of people are an abomination to the Lord God. 

       The fruits of the Spirit are kindness, goodness, patience, longsuffering, and self-control.  It is very important to be compliant with the Lord God.  When it comes to psychics and mediums, the Bible states we are not supposed to consult with them.  We are not supposed to consult with numerologists and astrologers as well.




       The Bible says in Leviticus that we are not supposed to turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them.  I am the Lord your God.  This is very dangerous because it can prevent anyone from going to heaven someday.  I remember consulting with psychics in the past, and they have given me false information.  The psychic stated to me that I was involved with a relationship with two women at the same time.


 This was in the year 2007.  The psychic stated to me that I was sending money to people that do not exist.  The psychic stated that I was looking at my horoscope too much.  The psychic stated that I am getting scammed out of my money.  The psychic also stated that I was involved in a romance scam.  Some of the things that the psychic stated was true because I was losing my money. 

Moreover, I want to inform all of you that I made a big mistake by consulting with a person, who specialized in numbers.  Some of what the numerologist said was true because I was a bastard child.  The numerologist said that I was abused as a child.  He was telling the truth.


 As far as the numbers that I received from the astrologer, they did not come out; while I was watching the news.  Therefore, I have been oppressed all of my life as a child.  I have been taken advantaged of by my family and friends.  My family members called me retarded and mentally sluggish.  If I was mentally sluggish, I would not have finished college like I did in 1993 and 1995 respectively.


 I graduated from the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio.  I want to say that I did not start consulting with psychics until I started living in Charlotte, NC.  This occurred during the time that I was getting scammed by the people from Africa.  I was depended on my horoscope all of the time. 

I realize that the information that came from the horoscope was false.  To be honest with all of you, I do not look at my horoscope anymore because the information is coming from a random writer or perhaps a ghost writer. 

I do not look at anything that is false anymore.  I do not look at information that come from astrologers and psychics anymore.

 I am still hurt because I have lost a lot of money on consulting with these kinds of people.  They charge you $10.00 per minute.  I am relying on God to help me instead of man.  This is because the information that they give you is false.  The mediums and psychics only want your money.  I was only looking for quick solutions to all of my common problems.  This is the reason why I consulted with psychics because I was desperate and looking for quick solutions.  I was making a lot of mistakes because the people that I consulted with charged me $10.00 per minute to talk to them.

 I am very sorry for writing this blog because I am helping the next person by telling them that consulting with mediums and psychics is not the solution to all of your common problems.  God is the solution!!  Man cannot solve your problems.  There is a quick fix when it comes to mankind.  They use medication and other things to solve problems.


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