How Can We Become Doers of The Word? By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins Praise The Lord Saints!! Praise The Lord!! How are you doing today? Fine, I hope. I want to ask everyone a very important question. The question is: How can we become doers of the word? The answer to this question is simple. We have to have both a behavioral change as well as a spiritual change within ourselves. I know for me personally, I have changed a whole lot behaviorally and spiritually right now. For example, I do not use any vulgarity anymore. An example of this is in Proverbs 15:1 says: A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up strife. This is my model Bible verse because it enables me to actually think before I act on all things. Next, I want to ask how we can become doers of the word. First, we need to establish a relations...