Corinthians 3:16, and What it means to all People!! By Anthony Joseph Hopkins July 20, 2021
1st Corinthians 3:16 says Know
ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in
you? I really believe it that our bodies
are the temple of the God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. This is the reason why I stopped drinking
alcohol and smoking marijuana. I have
been clean and sober for 31 years now. I
am so happy that my temple is clean.
my temple is holy and sacred. I understand
that God has saved me from myself. The
Lord has literally cleaned me up. I know
that I belong to God. I want to say that
there was a period of time when I did not care about myself. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I recall a period of time when I used to
drink and smoke for 18 years. I know
that I went through a period of time when I was a follower rather than a leader. The reason why I am writing this essay is
because my body belongs to Jesus Christ.
Further, I want to say that I do not
engage in reckless behavior anymore. I
do not look at pornography anymore. I
choose to obey God, and watch Him work. God
loves all of us. How do you respond to
God? The answer is obedience. If I love God, I am going to become
obedient. What drives us to God is
need. I want to inform all of you that
our bodies belong to God. The Spirit of
God dwells inside of us. The Spirit of
God helps me in my time of need.
I want the Lord to speak inside of my heart.
Ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins. The temple itself is not a metaphor. This is a specific thing that we possess
inside of our bodies. This means that
God wants us to do the right things. Do
you know that one of my friends told me in my face that I should not write about
God!! I want to inform all of you that
God is faithful to me. God’s temple is
holy and sacred because we are supposed to share His word with everyone. I am happy that God is reminding me of His
I want to inform all of you that I am going to continue to pray without
ceasing. I am going to continue to read
the Bible, so that I can communicate with God on a daily basis. My temple has been through a whole lot of
stress for the past few years. My temple
is nice, kind, fantastic, and excellent.
My temple is sharing God’s message with everyone. My temple always listens to church sermons.
In order for God to be faithful, God states
that His truth endures forever. I love the
Lord because he loved me when I was inside of my mother’s womb. God’s nature cannot change. God cannot change. My temple is pure. My temple is gracious. Whatever the case is, we make our needs to
God. Do you know that we are supposed to
do God’s Will? He answers prayers. God is unchangeable. God is the Lord and Master in my life.
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