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John 14:1 And What it means to all People!!


John 14:1 And What It Means to All People?

By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins February 27, 2021


        John 14:1 is a very interesting Bible verse.  It says Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  When I think of this Bible verse, it comforts me.  This is simply because God does not want any of us to be in trouble.  The word troubled means mildly disturbed or distracted.



        Next, I want to say to everyone that God loves you.  God will not put anything on you that you cannot bear.  It reminds me of the Bible verse that pertains to temptation.  I know that my life has consisted of ups and downs.  I have made my bed, and I have lain on top of it.  Let’s look at this Bible verse for a moment.  The first sentence says let not your heart be troubled.  What does this mean to you?  For me personally, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and of a sound mind.  This is 2nd Timothy 1:7; When we fear, we sin against God.

        Further, I want to inform all of you that I used to fear all people.  When I was a child, I used to get beat up all of the time by the boy that stayed across the alley from me.  I cannot mention his name because it would become a conflict of interest, and I can get into trouble.  However, I used to fight my own family members as well.  I have always lost all of my fights.

        Moreover, I want to say that I have lost all of my fights because I was scared of everyone.  I used to be scared of my own sister.  I do recall winning some of my fights.  Its that I suffered from stage fright.  The definition of stage fright is: nervousness felt at appearing before an audience.  The word fright means 1: fear excited by sudden danger: alarm gave me quite a fright. 2: something strange, ugly, or shocking. fright. verb. frighted; frighting; frights.



 Another word for stage fright is Find another word for stage-fright. In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for stage-fright, like: freeze, spastic aphonia, aphonia, aphonia clericorum, aphonia paralytica, aphonia paranoica, bashfulness, buck-fever, butterflies, flop sweat and hysterical aphonia.  To be honest, I used to be afraid of doing things in front of other people.  I even got scared during my first amateur boxing match.  I also will admit that I was scared when I was in jail on June 21, 1985. 

In Addition, I was so scared of women as well as men.  I do understand when a person defends themselves during a confrontation.  In my case, I am a type of person who does not like to fight anyone.  It will have to be in some extreme cases if I get into a fist fight with anyone.  Therefore, my heart has been troubled numerous of times in my 55 years of existence.  Naturally, I will not fight anyone.  I would rather walk away. 

Finally, when it comes to the sentence Let not your heart be troubled, to me it means that I have to allow God to fight all of my battles.  This is because I actually cannot fight, but I will defend myself if necessary.  I know how to box, but I would rather allow God to fight all of my battles.  I will admit that I am literally scared of women.  In a way, I guess, I am a big softie!!  There are times when I will defend myself.  As long as it is absolutely necessary. 


Currently, I do not have nothing to lose right now.  I would prefer walking away from all of my confrontations.  I am too emotional to do anything right now.  I know that God is watching all of us. 



In Conclusion, I want to inform everyone that I am a God-Fearing Man.  I know that I am powerless over people, places, and things.  This is the truth!!  The only person that I have power over is no one but myself.  At least, I am able to control my emotions.  My life at this time is very intriguing.  For instance, I attend Church every week.  I go to the library at least once per week.  I write essays about the Lord.  I write essays about what the Lord has done for me in my life.  I really love people, animals, and anything that God has created.  God Bless All of You!!  Please take care of yourselves, and stay safe!!  I love all of you very much!!!


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