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Redeemed By The Blood of The Lamb.


Anthony Joseph Hopkins January 12, 2021
Do you know what it means to be redeemed? Because if you fully understand what Calvary means in the life of a Believer, then you are proud to say, “I AM REDEEMED by the blood of the Lamb!”

Psalm 107:2, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy...”

When Jesus went to Calvary’s Cross, He willingly traded His flawless life for yours. Your life was riddled with guilt and shame, and yet the stench and filth of your sins was instantly traded for a robe of purest white. You gained the opportunity to have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life by accepting Christ as your Savior and thus earning eternal redemption.

There are two redemptions. The one we earn here on earth; and the one we will earn as an eternal reward. Both are because of the shed blood of Calvary’s Cross.

As a sinner, you should have been condemned to die. But Jesus, the precious Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, died in your place. He redeemed you from all unrighteousness and set you free from death, hell and the grave (Revelation 1:18). He set you free from sickness and disease (Psalm 91:10). He set you free from the pain of the past and the fear of tomorrow (Matthew 6:26-34). And whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36)!

That is just a snapshot of what it means to be redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! He has completely redeemed every aspect of your life. He has even promised to fight your battles for you (2 Chronicles 20:17). You are precious to Him!

So, what are you doing with this priceless gift? Are you wasting time wallowing in self-pity? Stop! You are redeemed! You have better things to do!

Psalm 72:14, “He will redeem their life from oppression and violence; and precious shall be their blood in His sight.”

God is from everlasting to everlasting. There is no shadow of turning in Him (James 1:17). What He has done in the past, He can and will do again. Redemption is forever! This single act not only changed the course of history, but the future for each and every one of us!

Isaiah 63:16, “...You, O Lord, are our Father; our Redeemer from Everlasting is Your name.”

Are you distraught? Tied to the pain of your past? Worried about all of the wrongs you have committed; thinking you can never be of any use to the Kingdom? Wrong! You are redeemed! Your sins are forgiven, never to be remembered against you any more...not because you deserve it, but because His grace is greater than your sin (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Ephesians 1:7, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.”

You are purified and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. The royal blood of heaven flows through your veins.

1 Corinthians 1:30, “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption...”

Hebrews 9:22, “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.”

Praise God for what He has done! His goodness is from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 90:2)! His mercies are renewed every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on us!

Luke 1:68, “Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people...”

Who is redeemed? YOU are redeemed! Jesus has redeemed all of us, regardless of our past, regardless of our faults. He came that we ALL might have life, and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Revelation 5:9, “...You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation...”

And the Church will be redeemed once again. When Jesus Christ comes to call us home, it will be the greatest day in the life of every Believer. In the twinkling of an eye we will be called up as the trumpet sounds. Our Redeemer will be calling us home to spend an eternity worshipping Him!

Luke 21:27-28, “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

What is the greatest thing you can celebrate today as the walls of life come crashing down around you? When you are celebrating the greatest mountain-top victories or trudging through the deepest valleys, you have reason to celebrate every moment that you have breath in your lungs. Why? Because He lives and you can face tomorrow with great hope that the very best is yet to come!

Job 19:25, “For I know that my Redeemer lives...”


            I know that my redeemer lives!!  I want to inform all of you that I love all of you very much.  I know that this is a very short essay.  I realize that my life at this time was pleasant and gracious.  I want to say to everyone that I am recovering from the Covid 19 virus right now.  It has been a very bumpy ride.  The Lord has been with me throughout my journey.  I am redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb.  My Doctor stated to me that I can catch this all over again.  By the Blood of the Lamb, I am redeemed!! 







By the blood of Christ we are redeemed, forgiven, and we enjoy God in the Holy of Holies!

FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInEmailMore for the precious blood of the Lamb! This morning I was filled with appreciation for the blood of Jesus Christ – an eternal blood (since He offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit), an efficacious blood, a prevailing blood, and a speaking blood! His blood speaks more than the blood of Abel (which spoke revenge from the ground) – His blood speaks “forgiveness” and “cleansing”!

When the Lord Jesus died on the cross, He fulfilled the types of all the offerings – He offered Himself to God as an all-inclusive sacrifice on the cross to take deal with all the negative things in the world! On the cross He shed His blood – which is for our redemption, for our forgiveness, and so much more!

Here are some aspects I enjoyed regarding the blood the Lord Jesus shed for us on the cross:

·         The Blood of Christ is the blood for our redemption. We were lost and sold ourselves under the usurpation of Satan and even under the law, but through His death on the cross and based on His blood, Christ redeemed us back to God! For the redemption to be proper, Christ had to be the perfect sacrifice – through His life and death on earth He fulfilled all the righteous, holy, and glorious requirements of God, and He then paid the ransom for us. He who had no sin nor ever tasted sin was made sin for us – to redeem us out of the curse of the law and out of the usurpation of Satan! Through His blood we have been redeemed!

·         Christ’s blood is for our forgiveness. As the Lamb of God, Christ died for us and shed His blood. With the shedding of blood, now there is forgiveness of sins! Someone died on our behalf and shed His blood so that we may be forgiven! This is the perfect blood of the perfect God-man, washing away all our sins and trespasses! We have the blood of Christ applied to us not only initially when we receive the Lord – but even daily whenever we come to the Lord and He shines on us, we cooperate with Him and confess our sins – the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ washes away any sin and cleanses us from sins (1 John 1:9)!

·         The blood of Christ is the blood of the covenant, even the blood that enacted the new covenant! A covenant is an agreement between two parties, and to enact this covenant there is the need for the shedding of blood. God enacted the old covenant and blessed the people of Israel for keeping it – because of the blood that was shed by their sacrifices on the altar. In the New Testament, God wants to give us a new covenant – He wants to Give Himself to us (all He is, all He has accomplished, all He has obtained and attained – everything) as a covenant! He wants to give us a new heart and a new Spirit to seek Him and to love Him! When the Lord Jesus died on the cross, His blood enacted the new covenant – now we can enjoy God as our portion and as our everything! Through the blood of the covenant, we are now entitled to come to Christ, our portion, and claim Him as our life, our supply, our everything! The blood of the covenant brings us into all the divine blessings!

·         The blood of Jesus Christ brings us into the Holy of Holies – it brings us into God! In Heb. 10:19 it says, Having therefore, brothers, boldness for entering the Holy of Holies in the blood of Jesus. The Holy of Holies is the place where only the High Priest could enter in the Old Testament, and he went in there not to “do something” for God, but just to be with God and be infused with God. Today God wants us to come all the way into the Holy of Holies based on the blood of Jesus Christ – to spend time with Him in our mingled spirit and be infused with God! The blood of Jesus Christ made all this possible – we can now enjoy God, we can behold His beauty, and we can receive His infusion! Here in the Holy of Holies the blood is sprinkled – God looks at the blood and He is satisfied, and He can be with us and He can infuse us! Enjoying God in this way produces us as God-men, men of God, men with the divine life and nature fully expressing God and shining Him out!











Daily we can turn to the Lord and have fellowship with Him – and as we come into the light, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from every sin! Even more, we can “wash our robes and come to eat of the tree of life” – we can come to the Lord to enjoy all His riches! He is so rich, so full, so all-inclusive!

Christ is our portion – He has been covenanted to us, and based on the blood of Christ, we can enjoy Him! We can come forward with boldness to the throne of grace in the Holy of Holies in the blood of Jesus! Hallelujah, we can spend time with God to be infused with Him and behold His beauty!


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