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Where is The Real Church Located?

Where is the Real Church located right now?
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins / February 23, 2020
        Praise The Lord Saints!!  Praise The Lord!!  How are all of you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I have a very important question to ask everyone right now.  The question is; where is the real Church located right now?  I am asking this question because I have received a Spiritual Awakening as of today.  I am not able to mention what actually happened today, but it literally made me cry all over my body. 

        I would like to start things off by saying that our body itself is the Living Temple of God itself.  1st Corinthians 3:16 says: Do you know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells inside of you.  I will personally admit that I something has been revealed to me by the use of speech that made me feel dejected inside of my body, soul, and spirit.  We are the Temple of the Living God, and I actually believe it.  To me personally, I am supposed to share the Good News of the Gospel of Peace with everyone that I come in contact with each day of my life.  Second, I am supposed to make disciples of many, caste out evil spirits from those who are suffering, as well as baptized everyone in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

        Where is the real Church located right now?  The real Church is really inside of our hearts.  I am saying this because God wants us to become His Faithful Servants as well as an actual true Witness of God.  I am really asking this question because I personally feel that our society is contaminated with an agenda that is an abomination to God personally.  I have to also realize that we all have an assignment from God.  Our assignment has been confirmed to all of us since we came into existence. 
        Next, I want to inform everyone that according to 1st Corinthians 6:19 which says: What? Know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is inside you.  This is another Bible verse that verifies that we are still the Temple of the Living God and the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you, therefore, you are not your own.  We officially belong to God.  I know for me personally, I really understand this to mean that I am an actual temple of God.  Some might say that this is a metaphor.  It is that I am saying that my body is sacred and sanctified.  The word sanctified means to make holy.  This is very important to me because I can share with others that we are supposed to be utilized by God in order to serve Him.
        In Addition, I want to say that God calls us His ambassadors to the world.  We must share the Gospel of Peace with everyone that we are in contact with each day.  I am saying this that we are here for a reason.  I guess I can ask everyone: Do you really know who God is?  I really know who God is for myself.  We are His Living Vessels.  I am very proud to be a Living Vessel because we are His Masterpiece.  I am saying all of this because I am created by God Himself and I am here to serve Him for the rest of my life.
        Moreover, I want to say that I really feel that I belong to God.  I know that I am a Work in Progress metaphorically speaking.  In a way, this is a fact.  I am really saying this because I know that I am not perfect.  I just want to implement a Divine Plan, in order to save my people.  I am saying this because I am craving the Living Water.
What is the definition of Living Water?  Living Water is Living water (Hebrew: מַֽיִם־חַיִּ֖ים‎ mayim-ayyîm; Greek: δωρ ζν, hydōr zōn) is a biblical term which appears in both the Old and New Testaments. ... "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water" (John 4:10).  I am a person who desires something that can only God can provide for me.  I know that at first, I actually thought that the Living Water was something that I am supposed to drink.  I have come to a realization that I was confused at first, but right now, I definitely understand what Living Water mean to me.
Back to the topic at hand. Where is the real Church located right now?  I want to say that; the real Church is located inside of me.  This is all I am saying.  As my Physical Church location is concerned, I have to allow God to steer me in the right direction.  Therefore, right now, I am relying on God to assist me with this very important task.  I really understand that it is very important to have a physical church.  A physical Church is a Church that has chosen for all of us to become affiliated with personally.  However, I am going to stick to myself when it comes to my personal temple right now.  My personal temple is a temple that I can say that God will have to choose this for me.  I am not trying to confuse anyone right now.  It is that I am happy being myself inside of the eyes of God. 

Finally, I want to say that I am the Temple of God.  I am content with being comfortable by sharing God’s Good News of the Gospel of Peace.  I know that this is not a perfect essay, but all that I am saying is that I am here for a reason and God loves me.  The Temple of God is very sacred.  I am just searching for a place where I can plant myself at and grow.  I love all of you.  I feel that I am a Temple that is a sanctified vessel that comes from God.  This is all that I am saying right now.  Thank You for reading my essay.  Even though it might not meet anyone’s expectations.  I am only saying that I am myself.  I am loved.  I am me!!


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