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What Does Leviticus 19:28 Means to All People!!

Leviticus 19:28 And What It Means To All People!!
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins/ March 3, 2020
        Praise The Lord Saints!!  Praise The Lord!!  How are all of you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I have a very important question to ask all of you right now.  What does Leviticus 19:28 Means to you?  The answer to this question is we are not supposed to cut on our bodies, nor use any tattoos on our bodies whatsoever.

Next, I want to say that I have noticed a lot of people getting tattoos as of late.  I really think they should read the Bible about this verse.  Only animals are supposed to be tattooed and marked just to make sure that they are a part of a flock.

I understand that everyone is getting a tattoo for some apparent reason.  I think this is a trend that has been going on for over 30 years now.  I would like to pray for all of those who have piercings, cuttings, and tattoos on their body right now.  Lord, please help this group of people, who really think that getting a tattoo is okay.  This is not okay to receive on human flesh.  I understand that this sounds nice, but God is already mad at all of us for the sins that we commit on a daily basis.  Whoever thinks that this is nonsense, they need to be dealt with by God Himself. 

Further, I want to inform all of you that we need to have our bodies free from all problems.  I know that there are some people who actually thinks that this is okay.  It is not okay to do anything like this!!

I know that I have battle scars on my body from getting stabbed on Sunday November 25, 1985 at 1:45PM by my stepfather over a dice game that he had with my brother.  This took place on 28 Horace Street in Dayton, Ohio at my mother’s house.  I remember when I was supposed to obtain my work boots from my mother’s house.  All of a sudden, an argument ensued between my little brother and his father.  All of a sudden, my stepfather drew a knife on his own namesake.  He lunged at my brother with the knife. 

If I would not had put my arm in the way, my brother would not exist today.  My brother does not remember all of this.  I remember it because it left me with mental scars, and physical scars on my body for the rest of my life.  My brother called the police on my stepfather.  The police officer asked me whether or not I wanted to file charges.  I told them No!! He is too old to go to jail.  I have another physical scar that I have on my body on Friday July 6, 1984.
 I was playing basketball outside, and I will admit that I was intoxicated playing basketball.  Suddenly, I got faked out by another person with the basketball, and I ended up breaking my left hand in three places.  I also broke my left wrist at the same time.

I had to stay inside of the hospital for 3 days at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio.  It had taken me almost 2 years for me to completely heal from my injuries.  I also have scars on my back that I was involved in a street fight on May 8, 1981.  The same person that hit me with a bicycle pole is my cousin right now.  It is better to tell the truth than a lie.  I protected my family members from this man.  I actually find it hard to believe that we are related right now.  I love this man in the same way I love Jesus Christ.  I am not saying that I am avoiding the topic.  It is that I am sharing all of my personal experiences with others.  Please keep me in your prayers for the rest of your entire life.  I do not want any tattoos on my body whatsoever.


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