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Is It True That The Borrower is Servant to The Lender?

Is it True That the Borrower is Servant to the Lender?
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins/ February 13, 2020
        Praise The Lord Saints!! Praise The Lord!!  How are all of you doing today?  Fine, I hope.  I have a very important question to ask all of you.  Is it true that the borrower is servant to the lender?  This is a very serious question that I would like to ask all of you personally because I have a student loan, and I am having a very difficult time paying it off.  The interest of my student loan is 8%.  I know that I did not have any business taking out another loan; just to attend college at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  I enrolled in college during the fall of 2003. 

           I borrowed the money in order to enroll at UNCC.  I was not eligible for any more grants that were available at the time.  Frankly, I was trying to acquire a second Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Social Work.  I understand that anytime that a person borrows money in any state, fashion or form, it is like being a slave all over again.  I really understand that I have to pay this money back in full.  However, I am very disappointed because the interest on my Jamison Loan is $80.00 dollars per month. 

Next, I want to inform all of you that it is true that the borrower is servant to the lender.  It might be a metaphor at the moment, but in reality, we have to pay off all of our debts.  It does not matter what they really are, we have to pay our debts.  I really understand that student loan debt is climbing each year.  I wish that I could have given the money back!!  I know that I only receive Social Security Disability right now.  I only earn $959.00 dollars per month right now.  I have over $850.00 dollars in bills each month.  I know that I have to pay my rent at the moment as well as life insurance, and other bills. 

Moreover, I have been going through financial hardships for the past 25 years now.  I will admit that the William and Fudge Collection Agency wants me to pay this loan off in full.  I have called this agency at their Rock Hill, South Carolina Office and they want me to pay at least $275.00 per month.  I have explained to them that I can only pay $50.00 per month.  I do not understand why these collection agencies are not willing to come to a complete compromise with me regarding my student loan.  I am only paying the interest instead of the principle amount.  This is a shame!! 
I guess I better go back to work just to pay this student loan.
        In Addition, there are people that I have allowed to borrow money from me, but they do not pay me back.  These people are called welshers right now.  To completely welsh, means to refuse to pay off your debts.  I have depleted my allotment when it comes to borrowing money from my life insurance right now.  I have asked William and Fudge Collection Agency can I pay the amount that I have agreed in the very beginning!!  I have to do what is absolutely necessary in order to pay off all of my debts.

Finally, I want to inform everyone that have debts to pay to make payment arrangements with all of your creditors in person.  When it comes to handling things over the telephone is pointless right now.  I have to get on my knees and pray to Jesus Christ to help me to pay off all of my debts.  Do you know that birds of a feather flock together?  This is a wise saying that people who are of certain status tend to affiliate with one another.  When it comes to socioeconomic status in the United States as well as other countries, the poor will always go through hell in life.  I also will admit that a person cannot establish a relationship with the opposite sex; if you are having hardships in any state, fashion, and form.

 This is serious because my ex-wife used me for my money at a period of time during our relationship.  She was buying street drugs with my money instead of paying bills for our residence.  There are some women and men who will completely drain you of all of your resources.  They do not care.  Some of the people that I was affiliated with were very apathetic.  This is the reason why I would like for everyone to please keep me in your prayers because I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially suffering right now.  I am telling all of you the truth about my situation.


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